
Nearly once or twice a day the mysql daemon on our FreeBSD server has to
be restarted since it is taking up most of the processor.

One of the entries in our slow_queries log looks like this;

# Query_time: 14074  Lock_time: 0  Rows_sent: 11  Rows_examined:

SELECT pp.art_num, pp.showprice as price, pc.custom_price,
pc.custom_name, pc.custom_delivery, pd.instock, Stdnsv.Description FROM
product_tags pt, products_prices pp, products_dists pd,
filter_categories fc, product_linking pl  LEFT JOIN cds_Stdnsv Stdnsv ON
(Stdnsv.ProdID = pp.art_num) LEFT JOIN products_custom pc ON (pc.art_num
= pp.art_num) WHERE pp.art_num = pl.art_num AND pp.art_num = pd.art_num
AND fc.filter_type_id = 1 AND fc.filter_id = pl.filter_id AND
(Stdnsv.Description != 'None' OR Stdnsv.Description != '') AND
(Stdnsv.Description LIKE '%Media%Center%' OR pl.art_num LIKE '%Media%
Center%') GROUP BY pp.art_num ORDER BY pp.showprice DESC LIMIT 100;

That is about 3 hours and a billion rows examined. Is it likely that
this is the source of my problems?

Thanks very much,


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