Hello All,

I run a select query to see its speed. It took around 5 seconds. Now i run the 
same query simultaneously twice usng two instances of the client tool. It took 
10 seconds for both the queris to complete. Its not 5 secs + 5 secs. Both the 
queries were running till 10 secs when i saw using mytop. In the 11th sec both 
the queries ended. Running it thrice simultaneously, it took 15 secs for all 
the three queries to complete.

In such a case should this query be considered as slow? We are actually 
checking for queries which take longer than 12 secs and regarding such queries 
as slow. The moment we find such a query, a mail is sent to the DBA saying that 
the query is slow. So in a day there are more than 400 such slow query 
notifications flowing into the mail box.

My questions are,

Should the simultaneous queries take so long? 
Should'nt both queries have finished by 6 secs rather than 10 secs?
Is this a right strategy to track slow queries?

Any suggestions would help.


Ratheesh K J

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