On Jul 25, 2006, at 12:47 PM, David Nance wrote:
Hi, we have been losing slaves due to errors in replication. See error
message below. Would appreciate if anyone could share if they have seen same
issues. It seems something may be getting corrupted in the binary log.

The error reads:

Last_error: Error 'Duplicate entry '12312942' for key 1' on query 'INSERT INTO permissions (user_id, journal_id, date_granted, start_date, end_date, type) VALUES ('1503443', '94', NOW(), '0000-00-00 00:00:00', '0000-00-00
00:00:00', 'author')'. Default database: 'manuscript_central_1_1'

One of the indexes on your 'permissions' table in defined to be 'unique', and your application is trying to insert a row with a duplicate value. This doesn't seem like a replication error, unless there really isn't a unique index on permissions... but I bet there is.

David Hillman
LiveText, Inc
1.866.LiveText x235

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