thank you for the response, but that was not my question.
My question is how do I send multiple sets of data into a stored procedure
without doing the things I had outlined.

On 7/17/06, Chris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

L P wrote:
> Folks,
> say I have a need to add multiple rows at the same time.
> for instance, say I'm collecting customer information and I want to add
> addresses and 3 phone numbers at the same time for a customer.
> The above is quite straightforward to accomplish when there is only one
> of data to deal with (one address / one phone number) - with simple data
> types passed in as parameters.
> What alternatives / options do I have to accomplish storing multiple
> sets of
> data?

insert into table(field1, field2, field3) values (value1, value2,
value3), (value4, value5, value6);

Don't use arrays for storage, you'll lose a lot of performance.

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