I have a table that contains properties that can be associated with any
table whose primary key is a LONG. Lets say that there is just one kind
of property. The table looks something like this:

    TABLE StringVal
        REF_ID  BIGINT    // row to associate property with
        TYPE_ID BIGINT    // type of string property
        VAL             VARCHAR   // property value

        P_KEY( REF_ID, TYPE_ID )

There is another table to represent a specific StringVal type along with
its default value:

   TABLE StringType
        ID              BIGINT   // The TYPE ID
        NAME            VARCHAR  // The unique name of this property
        DEF_VAL VARCHAR  // The default value of this property

The rub is that the target table could have millions of records and I
only want a record in StringVal if the associated property is going to
be a value other than the default. 

So consider that StringType has a record that defines a property named
"COLOR" with a default value of "ORANGE". For some table T, a T record
will only have a corresponding row in StringVal if it has a COLOR
property whose value has been explicitly set. It *could* be ORANGE but
in most cases it will be something else. Each row implicitly gets a
COLOR value of ORANGE.

The question is, how do I query this? Say I want all records from table
T whose COLOR property value is ORANGE.

The only thing I can come up with (and I'm no SQL expert and this looks
wrong to me) is the following:

    T.ID NOT IN 
        SELECT StringVal.REF_ID 
        FROM StringVal 
        WHERE StringValue.TYPE_ID = COLOR 
        SELECT * 
        FROM StringType 
        WHERE StringType.DEF_VAL LIKE "Orange" AND StringType.ID = COLOR

    T.ID IN 
        SELECT StringVal.REF_ID 
        FROM StringVal 
        WHERE StringVal.VAL LIKE "Orange" AND StringVal.TYPE_ID = COLOR

Any suggestions on how to simplify this (besides writing a row for each
T that has the default value)?  Should I lay out the tables differently
or keep the DDL the same and just clean up the query?


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