Im sure this is a stupid problem but im a bit confused, and some assistance
would be greatly appreciated.

Im trying to assist with the maintenance/updating of a php site for a school
which uses mysql, and is allready up and running on a remote server.
I have the ftp username and password, and i can access the php/html side of
things no problems, but i want to connect to the mysql database on the
server, and as stupid as it sounds, i have no idea how to go about
Ive used mysql before, not very efficiently, but never have had to set it
up, i was always told the program and connection details.

I downloaded a mysql program (enginsite MySql client) and tried to connect
but am not having any luck and have no idea what the port is supposed to

the detail i have are: (of course ive undisclosed the username/passwords)

Domain Name: www.mhmcindia.org

Host Name / IP Address: or ftp.mhmcindia.org
username: <undisclosed>
password: <undisclosed>

and the PHP connects through the script (on the remote server of course)

$link = mysql_connect($host, $username,$password)
   or die("Could not connect : " . mysql_error());

mysql_select_db($db) or die("Could not select database");

Is there anyway i can connect to the mysql database with these details? if
so how?

Im sorry for asking seemingly obvious questions, but some assistance would
be greatly appreciated.


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