Dear all,
    I have a table with the following structure.

ield             Type          Collation        Null    Key     Default
Extra           Privileges                       Comment
----------------  ------------  ---------------  ------  ------  -------
--------------  -------------------------------  -------
id                int(11)       (NULL)           NO      PRI     (NULL)
auto_increment  select,insert,update,references
indicatorName     varchar(255)  utf8_general_ci  YES
(NULL)                   select,insert,update,references
periodName        varchar(255)  utf8_general_ci  YES
(NULL)                   select,insert,update,references
source            varchar(255)  utf8_general_ci  YES
(NULL)                   select,insert,update,references
level             int(11)       (NULL)           YES
(NULL)                   select,insert,update,references
value             varchar(255)  utf8_general_ci  YES
(NULL)                   select,insert,update,references
numeratorValue    varchar(255)  utf8_general_ci  YES
(NULL)                   select,insert,update,references
denominatorValue  varchar(255)  utf8_general_ci  YES
(NULL)                   select,insert,update,references

The values in value,NumeratorValue and DenominatorValue

                Value               NumeratorValue
                NaN                    Null
null                                   Null
               2143.9888             NUll
               0.0                       0.0

            Now i need a query which converts the varchar into some numeric
values.For ex for non numeric values like NAN,Infinity, Null get as zero and
2143.98888 is converted into a numerical 2143.9888 and 0.0 is also converted
to numeric.The resultset should in Numeric value all the above fields, Can i
do it using a query.If so can any one give me the query

thanks and regards,

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