We're using MySQL 5.0.22 on CentOS 3.7 (running on VMWare).  We use InnoDB 
tables and also use views, stored procedures, and functions.  I had to 
move our development databases to a new server this week by doing a backup 
with mysqldump and then restoring the databases on the new server.  I ran 
into a weird problem, in one database the views were restored as tables! I 
also got this error:

ERROR 1418 (HY000) at line 206: This function has none of DETERMINISTIC, 
NO SQL, or READS SQL DATA in its declaration and binary logging is enabled 
(you *might* want to use the less safe log_bin_trust_function_creators 

Looking at the dump file, in general the sequence of statements is:
1.  create tables
2.  insert into tables
3.  create tables that are really views in the original db
4.  create functions
5.  create stored procedures
6.  drop the tables that should be views and re-create them as actual 

In my case, #4 caused the error, #5 succeeded (all procs were created), 
and then it's like #6 doesn't happen.  I fixed this by adding 
deterministic to the offending function, but it brings up some questions.  
Why does mysqldump first create views as tables, then drop and re-create 
them as views?  Why did the stored  procs get created after the error, but 
not the views? 

I also tried to create another function without specifying deterministic, 
and was unable to...so how did I create that function in the first place? 
Note that when we built out the new server, we used the same my.cnf file 
so the two should have been configured the same.

Thank you. 

Donna DeVaudreuil

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