Hi all,


I'm fairly new to character sets and I'm trying to get a better
understanding of how mysql deals with them.  I hope someone out there can
shed some light on a behavior that I am seeing.  We're using mysql 4.1.12
with clustered tables.


I have a table with a varchar and a text field where the table has been
defined to use :


ENGINE=ndbcluster DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1


Now, through my php user interface, I find that I can update/insert Korean
characters into the database table and successfully retrieve them from the


I'm using microsoft's Korean input system (ms-ime2002)


So, I'm wondering how can this be?  If the charset is using latin1, then I
would expect that I am using 1 byte for storage but the Korean character
sets would need 2.


-          am I just getting lucky and not using the characters that require
2 bytes ?

-          is there something special about clustered tables in that it
treats all char data as utf8 charsets ?

-          is my test invalid in that the Microsoft encoding for the Korean
characters only needs 1 byte ?


Thanks for any replies,


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