Hi list,

I'm trying to install MySQL 5.0.24a RHEL RPM on a Centos Linux VPS box.

"uname -a" output on this box:

Linux my.host.com 2.6.9-022stab078.14-enterprise #1 SMP Wed Jul 19 14:35:02
MSD 2006 i686 athlon i386 GNU/Linux

It already has MySQL 4.1 RHEL installed on it - I checked this with "rpm -q
mysql", which shows:


The 4.1 install came by with the box, probably (not sure but maybe able to
find out from the previous administrator or the hosting provider).

I don't want to uninstall the 4.1 if I can help it. Reason: though I'm
fairly comfortable
with Linux software installations in general, I haven't installed MySQL
before, and so not sure of all the files that get installed, and their
locations, particularly into other directories than the base installation
directory (e.g. there is a file called my.cnf in /etc). So not sure if all
the files installed with 4.1 will be properly removed if I uninstall 4.1,
and if they don't, it may create conflicts; e.g. some config file of
4.1might get used when I try to run
5.0 after installing it, and this might lead to strange errors.

So I want to install MySQL 5.0 into a different location.
That is why I used the --prefix option in the install command that I used:

rpm --install --test --hash --verbose --prefix /root/mysql5.0rhel4

When I run the above command (as root), I get this error message:

warning: MySQL-server-standard-5.0.24a-0.rhel4.i386.rpm: V3 DSA signature:
NOKEY, key ID 5072e1f5
error: package MySQL-server-standard is not relocatable

Does this mean that this RPM can only be installed in the standard/default
Is there any way or any other kind of package (e.g. not an RPM but a tar.gz)
that will work - for the binary package, I mean - such that it will allow me
to install MySQL into some base location (directory) specified by me?
Otherwise I can install MySQL from the source tarball which I've already
downloaded, but thought to avoid that route if possible, as I suspect it
might take some time (not sure). This is because I just previously installed
the GNU C++ compiler (g++) on the box, which I had to do because I had tried
to install MySQL from the source tarball earlier and got a message "C++
compiler fails sanity check", and Googling for that message, indicated that
the C++ compiler was not installed on the system - my guess is that the C++
compiler is not there by default on the box because it is a VPS, so they
want to minimize the disk space used by default. So I downloaded and
installed the g++ compiler. It worked ok - I wrote a short C++ test program,
could compile and run it.

So the reason I want to avoid installing MySQL from source, is because the
C++ compiler build+install, took a good amount of time, over 3.5 hours,
probably because it compiles hundreds of small source files, and so does a
lot of file I/O, and my client doesn't want to spend a lot of time on the
install (the project is on a tight schedule).

Thanks for any help or pointers.

Vasudev Ram
10.times say "Truly rural"

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