Hi All,

I am using MyISAM storage engine for 2 of the tables in my application so as to use the full text search features. When I join any one of the MyISAM table with other INNODB table, the query is very fast. But, if I do inner join with both theMyISAM table, then the query takes 5 mins to execute.

Here is the query: The employment_summary and executive_summary tables are MyISAM type.

select SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS distinct(exec1.id) as id, exec1.firstName as firstName, exec1.middleName as middleName, exec1.lastName as lastName, exec1.age as age from executive as exec1 inner join (select emp.id as empId, emp.executive_id as execId, emp.active as active, emp.shortTitle as shortTitle, emp.director as director
           from employment as emp
inner join (select * from employment_summary where (( MATCH(job_description) AGAINST(' +University +of +Pennsylvania' IN BOOLEAN MODE)))) as empSummary
                           on (empSummary.id = emp.id)
           inner join (target_company targetComp
inner join company comp on (targetComp.company_id = comp.id )) on ( emp.company_id = targetComp.company_id ) inner join (select id from executive_summary where (( MATCH(firstName) AGAINST(' +John' IN BOOLEAN MODE)))) as execSummary
                           on execSummary.id = emp.executive_id ) as res
on ( res.active = 1 and res.execId=exec1.id)
order by lastName, firstName, id  limit 0,200

Any ideas?


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