OK, now I get it. I'll give that a try. Thanks for the tip about the OmniWeb 
browser, too.

----- Original Message ----
From: Chris Sansom <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: David Blomstrom <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; mysql@lists.mysql.com
Sent: Sunday, October 8, 2006 1:51:33 AM
Subject: Re: Moving Database from PC to Apple

At 15:01 -0700 7/10/06, David Blomstrom wrote:
>Thanks. Is this something I can do through phpMyAdmin?

Yes! Easy:

First, create the database - just the database, no tables or anything 
- on the Mac.

Next, go to the database on the PC in phpMyAdmin and without 
selecting a table in the sidebar, click the Export tab. In the 
'export as' part of the page (which varies wildly between phpMyAdmin 
versions), SQL is probably selected as the default. If so, leave it; 
if not, select it. Also make sure both Structure and Data are 
selected in the 'what to export' part. Then click the Go button.

This will display all your database as SQL commands in text format. 
Select All, copy it into a text file and save it. Warning: in some 
older versions of phpMyAdmin, you'll get a line saying something like 
'Database xxx running on yyy' at the top, as an html <h1>, above the 
comment lines starting with #. This line will be included in the 
'select all', so you'll have to delete it before you import... which 
comes next:

Having transferred the text file to your Mac, go into phpMyAdmin, to 
the new database you have created, and click SQL among the tabs along 
the top. If there's anything in the <textarea> that appears, delete 
it, then copy and paste the entire contents of the text file into 
there (tip: if you get hold of the OmniWeb browser for Mac OS X, you 
can open a <textarea> into a nice big editing window, which will make 
it easier to see what you're doing). Click Go and, to quote the 
immortal Mr Jobs, 'Boom! You're done.'

Cheers... Chris
Highway 57 Web Development -- http://highway57.co.uk/

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