I tried mv archive.frm .archive.frm first. Then I ran mysqldump again. It moves past archive and onto another table. I did this 6 times, each time moving the next one it complained about until I stopped and put them all back.

Dan Buettner wrote:

Try looking in the filesystem for the file(s) called "archive" in the
database directory, and move them somewhere else (or if you know you
don't need them, delete them).

If it is/was a MyISAM table, or just an errant file, this should work.
If it is/was InnoDB, this will be trickier ...


On 10/16/06, mdpeters <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

As you can see, it is clearly showing up but I cannot do anything with it.

mysql> show tables;
| Tables_in_horsewiki |
| archive             |
| categorylinks       |
| externallinks       |
| hitcounter          |
| horse_archive       |
| horse_categorylinks |
| horse_externallinks |
| horse_hitcounter    |
| horse_image         |
| horse_imagelinks    |
| horse_interwiki     |
| horse_ipblocks      |
| horse_job           |
| horse_logging       |
| horse_math          |
| horse_objectcache   |
| horse_oldimage      |
| horse_page          |
| horse_pagelinks     |
| horse_querycache    |
| horse_recentchanges |
| horse_revision      |
| horse_searchindex   |
| horse_site_stats    |
| horse_templatelinks |
| horse_text          |
| horse_trackbacks    |
| horse_transcache    |
| horse_user          |
| horse_user_groups   |
| horse_user_newtalk  |
| horse_validate      |
| horse_watchlist     |
| image               |
| imagelinks          |
| interwiki           |
| ipblocks            |
| job                 |
| logging             |
| math                |
| objectcache         |
| oldimage            |
| page                |
| pagelinks           |
| querycache          |
| recentchanges       |
| revision            |
| searchindex         |
| site_stats          |
| templatelinks       |
| text                |
| trackbacks          |
| transcache          |
| user                |
| user_groups         |
| user_newtalk        |
| validate            |
| watchlist           |
58 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> SELECT * FROM archive LIMIT 1;
ERROR 1146 (42S02): Table 'horsewiki.archive' doesn't exist

mysql> drop table archive;
ERROR 1051 (42S02): Unknown table 'archive'

Dan Buettner wrote:

> Michael, is the 'archive' table present in your database?  e.g., if
> you do a 'LIST TABLES', does it show up?  What happens if you do a
> "SELECT * FROM archive LIMIT 1" ?
> I'd hazard a guess that you may have a table definition file with no
> actual table data files, if you're on MyISAM tables.
> If you don't need the archive table, can you DROP it successfully?
> Dan
> On 10/16/06, mdpeters <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> I am having a devil of a time moving a database from one server to
>> another. My database is one that is in production to support the
>> mediawiki wiki application. This is a Solaris Sparc 10 system using the
>> mysql-max-5.0.20a-solaris10-sparc version. My database name is
>> horsewiki.
>> I execute this:
>> # mysqldump --user root --password=password horsewiki > horsewiki.sql
>> and get this:
>> mysqldump: Got error: 1146: Table 'horsewiki.archive' doesn't exist when
>> using LOCK TABLES
>> I have tried using phpMyAdmin- It seems to let me export the
>> database to an SQL file. When I attempt to import it on the other
>> system, I get this:
>> ++++++++
>> Error
>> There seems to be an error in your SQL query. The MySQL server error
>> output below, if there is any, may also help you in diagnosing the
>> problem
>> ERROR: Unknown Punctuation String @ 494
>> STR: />
>> SQL: -- phpMyAdmin SQL Dump
>> -- version
>> -- http://www.phpmyadmin.net
>> --
>> -- Host: localhost
>> -- Generation Time: Oct 16, 2006 at 10:00 AM
>> -- Server version: 5.0.20
>> -- PHP Version: 5.1.6
>> --
>> -- Database: `horsewiki`
>> --
>> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
>>     "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd";>
>> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"; xml:lang="en" lang="en"
>> dir="ltr">
>> <head>
>>     <link rel="icon" href="./favicon.ico" type="image/x-icon" />
>>     <link rel="shortcut icon" href="./favicon.ico"
>> type="image/x-icon" />
>>     <title>phpMyAdmin</title>
>>     <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;
>> charset=utf-8" />
>>     <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"
>> href="./css/phpmyadmin.css.php?token=7c73a56802fc2e39fe41180d721&amp;js_frame=right"
>> />
>>     <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"
>> href="./css/print.css?token=7c73a56802fc2ee8b4239fe721" media="print" />
>>     <script type="text/javascript" language="javascript">
>>     // <![CDATA[
>> // Updates the title of the frameset if possible (ns4 does not allow
>> this)
>>     if (typeof(parent.document) != 'undefined' &&
>> typeof(parent.document) != 'unknown'
>>         && typeof(parent.document.title) == 'string') {
>> parent.document.title = 'www.lazarusalliance.com / localhost /
>> horsewiki / archive | phpMyAdmin';
>> SQL query:
>> -- phpMyAdmin SQL Dump -- version -- http://www.phpmyadmin.net
>> -- -- Host: localhost -- Generation Time: Oct 16, 2006 at 10:00 AM --
>> Server version: 5.0.20 -- PHP Version: 5.1.6 -- -- Database:
>> `horsewiki` --
>> ++++++++
>> I have not found a good source to understand what the problem might be.
>> It does not help that I am such a greenhorn with databases either. I
>> would appreciate any assistance.
>> Michael
>> --
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