Mindaugas, can you post the output of
EXPLAIN  select ip from ipaddr
  where pool='INTERNET' and stype='S' and ls_id=3 and allocated is null
  limit 1;

When you say it's too slow, how slow is it?  And how fast when it is a
memory table?

Also, which specific version of 5.0 are you on?  5.0.x ... what is x?


On 10/17/06, Mindaugas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


  For the Radius server we're using MySQL cluster and the following query
looks too slow:

select ip from ipaddr
  where pool='INTERNET' and stype='S' and ls_id=3 and allocated is null
  limit 1;

  Table ipaddr is small (~6MB, 38000 records). Fields in WHERE clause have
few values and no indexes:
  - pool: 2 distinct values;
  - stype: 6 distinct values;
  - ls_id: 5 distinct values;
  - allocated is null for ~30000 of records.

  Table type is NDB. If I change it to MEMORY everything starts to fly.

  Of course there are a lot of updates to ipaddr table too. For every select
there are 3 updates. But updates are of type "update something where
ip=ipaddr" and ipaddr is unique key.

  What can cause slowdown in NDB case? Table is small and is in memory (5.0
cluster). Maybe I can rewrite it in some better form for such case?
  MySQL setting are basically default. I did not find something in
documentation about improving performance of NDB engine tables.
  Maybe increase read_buffer_size which is currently the default 128k?
Server has 4GB of memory and runs x86_64 version of CentOS4 Linux.



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