This is due to a change in MySQL 5.0.12 that was done to align with SQL:2003. Here, we started to be more conservative regarding what could go into the ON clause. The whole thing is documented here: In your case, the JOIN would look something like this (Not tested, just straight from under the hairy stuf on the top of my head):
FROM article_country ac, article a
LEFT JOIN article_menu am ON = am.article_id
Or, to be more SQL'ish:
FROM article_country ac JOIN article a
LEFT JOIN article_menu am ON = am.article_id
Or, to be even more more SQL'ish (this one I tested):
FROM article_country ac CROSS JOIN article a
LEFT JOIN article_menu am ON = am.article_id

nocturnal wrote:

I moved a lot of databases from a 3.23 system to a new 5.0 system that was taking over because of hardware upgrades. I had no major problems until the last database.

This query:
SELECT,, a.parent_id, a.designation, a.designation2, a.short_description, a.road_desc, ac.activestatus_id, ac.active_date, am.menu_id, am.active_status, a.grouparticle_type, ac.bestseller
FROM article a, article_country ac
LEFT JOIN article_menu am ON = am.article_id
AND am.active_status =1
WHERE a.parent_id = ''
AND ac.country_code = 'SE'
AND = ac.article_id
AND a.grouparticle_type <>2
ORDER BY a.designation
LIMIT 0 , 30;

Gives me this error:
Unknown column '' in 'on clause'

I'm no MySQL expert but i assumed that was an alias for so i checked if the column existed manually and sure enough it does exist and it is full of data identical to the database on the old 3.23 server.

So now i'd like to know what needs to be updated in the application sending this query because there is obviously something incompatible between 3.23 and 5.0. I read the documentation on this link:
and found the section describing changes made to MySQL 5.0.12. The problems is that i couldn't find any errors in the query when i read about the new JOIN syntax described.

I would like some help with this if anyone has the time to just point out what is wrong with the above query so that i can make the changes in the rest of the application. I'm sure i'll see the light if someone just pushes me in the right direction on this problem.

   __  ___     ___ ____  __
  /  |/  /_ __/ __/ __ \/ /  Anders Karlsson ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
 / /|_/ / // /\ \/ /_/ / /__ MySQL AB, Sales Engineer
/_/  /_/\_, /___/\___\_\___/ Stockholm
       <___/ Cellphone: +46 708 608121

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