As a note: mSQL has an attach function that will allow you to 
take those files and recreate the database by only giving it the database name 
and the file names. It's a way to put back a backup made of the physical 
database if you backup directly from the SQL data directory and not through the 
SQL backup utility and then through your tape or other backup.



                                From: "Panos Tsapralis" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, November 07, 2006 1:10 PM
To: "Eric Lommatsch" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Undelete a droped table 

Eric, as far as SQL is concerned, there is no way to recover dropped tables
and, to my knowledge, there is no MYSQL-specific way to do that either, so,
your only hope is to have a rather fresh backup of your database.

BTW, this gives me an idea: I suppose that dropping a database table is a
two-task process, namely deleting the table's attributes from the database
metadata (an SQL operation) and deleting the table's files from the
file-system. So, wouldn't it be preferrable to move the table's files into
the Recycle Bin (or the Trash or some other "stand-by" place into the
file-system) instead of permanently deleting them? In that case, it would be
possible to recover a dropped table by creating a blank table into the
database (equivalent to the one that got dropped) and then replace its empty
data files with those from the Recycle Bin.


Panos Tsapralis.

On 11/7/06, Eric Lommatsch wrote:
> Hello,
> I have accidently droped a table from one of my database's. The table was
> an
> innodb table. Is there anyway that I can recover the table or is that
> information gone for good if I don't have a current backup of that table?
> Thank you
> Eric H. Lommatsch
> Programmer
> MICRONix, Inc.
> 2087 South Grant Street
> Denver, CO 80210
> Tel 303-777-8939
> Fax 303-778-0378

Panos Tsapralis,
Senior Software / Systems Engineer,
Athens, GREECE.

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