You have many options like the people below just suggest...

1 - Use mysqldump
2 - Use mysqlhotcopy
3 - do the mysqlhotcopy/mysqldump yourself

Since I found that neither 1 nor 2 gives exactly a perfect result in
many backup scheme alone. I started working on something that complement
1 and 2 to do _good_ backup. I finally realize someone had done a
similar job before and actually put more work into it and seems pretty
serious about it!

So you should look at mysql-zrm
(, The releases are actually
pretty young but everything works quite well and I'm sure this project
is on the good way to gives good backup abilities to mysql. It's simply
using mysqldump and mysqlhotcopy depending of the configuration you
asked for!  It's somewhat the glue around mysqldump/mysqlhotcopy needed
for easy and good backup!


aka ROunofF


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