
I am having a bit of trouble with a SQL query that I am hoping someone here can give me pointers on, or a nudge in the direction of a place which can give me a better understanding of JOINS.

Running MySQL v4.0.27 Max on a RHEL4 box. I have three tables which look like this...

Table categories :
categoryid   int(11)
parentid     int(11)
category     varchar(255)
avail        char(1)
template_id  int(11)

Table products_categories
categoryid   int(11)
productid    int(11)

Table products
productid    int(11)
avail        int(11)
forsale      char(1)

The short of it is, I'm trying to find all categories which contain *only* products which have products.forsale = y AND products.avail <= 0. ie, I'm looking for categories in our system which have products associated with them BUT none of the products are available for sale (forsale flag set but no stock).

I would also like to limit this to just the categories which have the following values: parentid > 0 AND template_id <= 0 AND categories.avail = y, but being that I haven't been able to even nail down the simple part of this, I'll go with what I can get to work for now.

I've tried numerous combinations of JOINS, and while the queries are executing fine, they're not returning any data (and I made sure that at least on category had products assigned to it, and that all the products assigned to it had a stock (avail) of 0). The simplest form I came up with (just trying to work with the last two tables, products_categories and products) was this :

  products_categories.productid = products.productid
  products.productid IS NULL &&
  products.avail > 0 &&
  products.forsale = 'y'

Any help will be most appreciated.

John C. Nichel IV
Programmer/System Admin
Dot Com Holdings of Buffalo

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