Eric, you'll likely want the community edition to get started with.
It's essentially the same software, at least for now, but community is
free whereas enterprise is cost (but includes support).

I've read good things about, and have just ordered, this:
MySQL Cookbook, 2nd edition

A visit to Barnes & Noble or Borders would also turn up a number of
good books in the "getting started" category for PHP and MySQL, I'm
sure.  That's where I started in about 1999, though I've since lost
the two books I got.

Welcome to the community - hopefully you find MySQL every bit as
useful and powerful as I have!


On 12/7/06, Eric Nygma <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I am new to MySQL, never used it before. I have basic knowledge of databases
and have used Oracle in the past, as far as writing SQL queries and
starting/shutting down the database instance.

I need to write server side scripts (php scripts) that communicate with
MySQL database.

I want to download MySQL and learn how to use it. I went to There are 2 main downloads
"Community Server" and "Enterprise". Which would you recommend for a newbie
? Any pointers to a real-fast-quickstart-guide would also help. :)

Thanks in advance.

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