Try DBTools ( http://dbtools.vila.bol.com.br
<http://dbtools.vila.bol.com.br> ). It's a Win32 client for mySQL, free, and
has lot of features, including an Import/Export Wizard to help you convert
other sources to mySQL.
Crercio O. Silva

-----Original Message-----
From: Alice [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: sexta-feira, 25 de maio de 2001 00:14
Subject: MySQL front end tool

Hi, i am a win2k professional user, 
and i would like to get a mySQL front end tools which can make 
mySQL to be work more user friendly.
currently i am using MySQL-Front, for those who had tried out others this
kind of tools, 
pls recommend any others tools that u think is more powerful, efficient and
effective to me.
by the way, i am just looking for those freeware product.
thanx !

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