Well this question may seem funny...
No, a funny question would start something like "Why did the nun cross the road?". ;^)

The problem is with counting a user's contribution in my site. Suppose that
each user that send an email will be stored in DB. Now I want to count
number of times that a user has sent an email.
I can simply use this :
SELECT id FROM sent WHERE member_id= ...
and the use count($result) to count the number, but I want a faster way, if
Get MySQL to do the counting...
   "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM sent WHERE member_id = ...;"
...saying COUNT(*) is certainly no slower than saying COUNT(id) and the COUNT function is certainly faster than iterating over the result set using whatever language, also make sure you have indexed the member_id field as well. Alternatively you maybe able to incorporate a **|SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS |**into an existing query and then do a **| |**|FOUND_ROWS()| to optimize things (see or failing that run a nightly query to compile the stats into a new table containing just member_id and emails_contributed fields?
   Those would be the standard options.


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