Sorry for the premature question. I think I figured it out. 
On Duplicate Key Update Qty=Qty+Values(Qty);
I haven't tested it yet but it makes sense that it'll work.

>>> "Ed Reed" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 1/5/07 2:40 PM >>>
I use On Duplicate Key Update a lot and I usually use it like this,

Insert Into tablename (myID, Qty)
Values (1034,15),
(145,20) On Duplicate Key Update Qty=Values(Qty);

This works very well but now I'd like to do something a little
different. I'd like to have a query like this but instead of replacing
the value of the previous Qty I'd like it to take the old Qty and the
new Qty and store the sum of the two values in the Qty field. 

Is this possible and can anyone tell me how?


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