Thanks for the suggestion Brent. The auto_increment won't work in my situation 
though. My t1 table has a RecID field that already is my primary key and set to 
auto_increment. Is there another way that this can be done?

>>> "Brent Baisley" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 1/12/07 1:10 PM >>>
Sine ItemCount is part of your unique key, you should just make ItemCount an 
auto_increment field. Mysql will then handle providing 
sequential numbering within the group.

For example:
GroupCount int,
ItemCount int auto_increment,
PRIMARY KEY (GroupCount,ItemCount)

When you do an insert, leave out the ItemCount.
insert into t1 (GroupCount) values (1),(1),(2),(2)

The t1 table then looks like this;
GroupCount  ItemCount
1                1
1                2
2                1
2                2

The compound primary key causes a difference auto increment sequence to be made 
for each record "group".

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Ed Reed" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Sent: Friday, January 12, 2007 12:42 PM
Subject: Re: Insert ... Select troubles

> ItemCount is essentially a counter of the records from the select
> statement. So, every new INSERT ... SELECT statement gets a new
> GroupCount (the next number up) and ItemCount represents the ID of the
> items in that new group.
> Does that make sense?
> - Thanks
>>>> "Michael Dykman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 1/12/07 8:13 AM >>>
> On 1/11/07, Ed Reed <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> I need some help creating an INSERT * SELECT statement that supplies
> a record counter in the returned items. Here's the task,
>> I have t1 and t2.  t1 is GroupCount, ItemCount, Field1, Field2,
> Field3. t2 is Field1, Field2, Field3.
>> t1 has a multiple field unique key called Request that has GroupCount
> and ItemCount. I would like to create an INSERT * SELECT statement that
> takes the three fields from t2 and puts them into t1 and at the same
> time automatically fills the GroupCount and ItemCount field. My data in
> t1 should look like this.
> +----------+-----------+--------------+--------------+--------------+
>> |GroupCount| ItemCount |     Field1   |    Field2    |     Field3
> |
> +----------+-----------+--------------+--------------+--------------+
>> |        1 |         1 | data from t2 | data from t2 | data from t2
> |
>> |        1 |         2 | data from t2 | data from t2 | data from t2
> |
>> |        1 |         3 | data from t2 | data from t2 | data from t2
> |
>> |        2 |         1 | data from t2 | data from t2 | data from t2
> |
>> |        2 |         2 | data from t2 | data from t2 | data from t2
> |
>> |        3 |         1 | data from t2 | data from t2 | data from t2
> |
>> |        3 |         2 | data from t2 | data from t2 | data from t2
> |
>> |        3 |         3 | data from t2 | data from t2 | data from t2
> |
>> |        3 |         4 | data from t2 | data from t2 | data from t2
> |
>> |        3 |         5 | data from t2 | data from t2 | data from t2
> |
>> |        3 |         6 | data from t2 | data from t2 | data from t2
> |
>> |        4 |         1 | data from t2 | data from t2 | data from t2
> |
>> |        4 |         2 | data from t2 | data from t2 | data from t2
> |
>> |        4 |         3 | data from t2 | data from t2 | data from t2
> |
>> |        4 |         4 | data from t2 | data from t2 | data from t2
> |
>> |        4 |         5 | data from t2 | data from t2 | data from t2
> |
>> |        4 |         6 | data from t2 | data from t2 | data from t2
> |
>> |        4 |         7 | data from t2 | data from t2 | data from t2
> |
>> |        5 |         1 | data from t2 | data from t2 | data from t2
> |
>> |        5 |         2 | data from t2 | data from t2 | data from t2
> |
>> |        6 |         1 | data from t2 | data from t2 | data from t2
> |
>> |        6 |         2 | data from t2 | data from t2 | data from t2
> |
>> |        6 |         3 | data from t2 | data from t2 | data from t2
> |
> +----------+-----------+--------------+--------------+--------------+
>> I can figure most of it out with the exception of the ItemCount
> value. What I have so far is this,
>> INSERT INTO t1 (GroupCount, ItemCount, Field1, Field2, Field3) SELECT
> (SELECT Max(GroupCount)+1 From t1), ?????, Field1, Field2, Field3 FROM
> t2;
>> The part with the ????? is what I can't figure out.
>> Any ideas?
> I'm not very clear what ItemCount is supposed to represent..  if you
> restate it, perhaps I can help
> -- 
> - michael dykman

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