If I have a dataset as below:


Name, Age, Word


Bob, 13, bill

Joe, 13, oxo

Alex, 14, thing

Jim, 14, blob

Phil, 14, whatsit

Ben, 15, doodah

Rodney, 15, thingy


I want to select the first block where the age is equal, i.e. return in the
case of the above set, Bob and Joe, and with the same query if Bob and Joe
didn't exist, return Alex, Jim, and Phil.


In broken SQL, I want to "SELECT * FROM `table` WHERE 'Age'='Age 1st Row';".


I'm guessing this could be done with nested queries, but this is me
attempting to optimise a script from 3 queries to 1, so the gains by using
nested queries would be negligible.


I'm guessing that this isn't possible, but I thought asking some people that
know  more than myself couldn't hurt.


Any assistance is appreciated.




Adam Bishop

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