Hello all,

Recently we upgraded from MySQL 4.1.11 to MySQL 5.0.22. The queries are taking 
a lot of time to execute in the newer version. The queries which were executing 
within 10 secs are now taking more than 100 secs.

Running an expalin on the queries showed that an index_merge optimization is 
being used which is a new concept in MySQL 5. My initial doubt was on this but 
now when I checked top it shows that mysqld is consistently using 59% of Memory 
and 25% of cpu even when there is no load. 

the SHOW STATUS command in mysql shows:

Threads_created                    21863
Threads_cached                    1          
Threads_connected                38        
Connections                        5784350

Running a SHOW VARIABLES shows:

thread_cache_size                8

It is evident that mysqld is creating a lots of threads... Could this be the 


Ratheesh K J

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