
The thing is,
  we cannot dynamically pass columnnames to GRANT or REVOKE statements through 
procedures from mysql.

Hence invoke it through script.
like the one:
  create procedure gg(IN c varchar(20))
  declare cnt int;
  declare i int default 1;
  declare col_name varchar(30);
  select count(*) into cnt from information_schema.columns where 
table_schema="the_base" and table_name='t100';
  select cnt;
  while (i<=cnt) do
  select column_name into col_name from information_schema.columns where 
table_schema='the_base' and table_name='t100' and ordinal_position=i;
  select col_name;
  grant select(col_name) on forum.catagory to 'xx'@localhost identified by 
  If col_name = c then
  revoke select(col_name) on forum.catagory from 'xx'@localhost identified by 
  end if;
  set i=i+1;
  end while;
mysql> call g(hide_this_col);

ViSolve DB Team.
----- Original Message ----- 
To: <mysql@lists.mysql.com>
Sent: Wednesday, February 07, 2007 9:26 PM
Subject: Re: revoke SELECT on a column [ MySQL 4.1 ] + column privileges 

> hello,
> first thanks to ViSolve DB Team,
> and since then, my question turns out to be :
> in the base that contains a table of 100 columns, I want to disable SELECT
> on only 1 column "hide_this",
> how to apply column privileges using a loop in mysql, that could do :
> ____
> for each column in the_base.t100 where column_name is NOT hide_this
> do
>  GRANT SELECT(column_name_n) ON the_base.t100 to 'a_user'@'localhost'
>       identified by 'a_passwd';
> done 
> ----
> Or should I build a script to create sql commands for that ?
> thanks,
>> You have applied TABLE level GRANT PRIVILEGES  and tried to REVOKE that with 
>> COLUMN PRIVILEGES.  Hence the error.
>> To Fix it, apply column privileges  ---
>> mysql> GRANT SELECT(hide_this) ON the_base.t100 to 'a_user'@'localhost' 
>> identified by 'a_passwd';
>> mysql> select * from information_schema.column_privileges;
>> mysql> REVOKE SELECT(hide_this) ON the_base.t100 from 'a_user'@'localhost' 
>> identified by 'a_passwd';
>> Thanks
>> ViSolve DB Team
>> ----- Original Message ----- From: "Gilles MISSONNIER" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> To: <mysql@lists.mysql.com>
>> Sent: Tuesday, February 06, 2007 11:05 PM
>> Subject: revoke SELECT on a column [ MySQL 4.1 ]
>> Hello,
>> In a table [say t100], having 100 columns,
>> I want to allow the select on all columns but 1.
>> I tried to do this by granting all columns in the table t100, of the base,
>> then revoke SELECT on the column "hide_this",
>> but this doesn't work.
>> mysql> GRANT SELECT ON the_base.t100 to 'a_user'@'localhost'
>> identified by 'a_passwd';
>> mysql>  revoke SELECT (hide_this) on the_base.t100 from
>> 'a_user'@'localhost';
>> ERROR 1147 (42000): There is no such grant defined for user 'a_user' on
>> host 'localhost' on table 'current'
>> Is there a turn around, or should grant the select on the 99 other columns
> -- 
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