
I recently completed upgrading the core database pool for our site from
4.0.18 (32-bit) to 5.0.27 (64-bit) but am now experiencing intermittent
replication instability.

we replicate ~20M DMLs/day across 18 DB nodes in three datacenters.  about
once/week I'm getting a 2013 error (error reading packet from server) but
only on the two slaves whose master is in a different datacenter (never once
among intra-datacenter nodes).  this would make me suspicious of the network
(at least WAN links/devices) except this never happened once in two years
w/4.0.18.  when it happens I am able to fix it by doing a slave stop/change
master (to last execute)/slave start but I would like to find the root of
the problem.

is anyone aware of any reported replication stability issues w/5.0.27?  are
their any my.cnf parameters I can change to minimize the frequency?  does
this sound like a network issue and if so why did 4.0.18 not fail in this

it's not critical at this point but it's extremely annoying so any advice
would be appreciated...

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