Welcome and thanks for the time in reading this.  I have a simple
proggie below.  When I try and compile it I get the error above
(subject) the error points to this part of mysql.h - the part
specifically is highlighted in red.
I am compiling it on Win2K SP2 with Borland C++ v4.52
I can't see any reason why this wouldn't work. Can you??
I also get 5 warnings:
WARNING MYSQL.CPP LineNo: Temporary used for parameter 1 in call  to
'istream::operator >> (int &)' in function main() 
-  Well seeing as I have a problem anyway it seems silly not to mention
<extract from mysql.h>
#if defined(NO_CLIENT_LONG_LONG)
typedef unsigned long my_ulonglong;
#elif defined (__WIN__)
typedef unsigned __int64 my_ulonglong;
typedef unsigned long long my_ulonglong;
<end of extract>
// Program: Client proggie to connect to mysql server.  Server options
// specified by the user
// Aim: To retrieve data from table specified by user in Microsoft
access format
// and insert the table into a Microsoft access database of the users
//  Command line version of the program currently being investigated
//  I.e. c:\this_proggie -h host -u user -p pass -po port
// Start of development: 24th May 2001
// Date modified: 27th May 2001
// Author: David Ayliffe
// Version: 0.1
#include <stdio.h>
#include <iostream.h> // libraries included in the linked (object) file
#include <conio.h>
#include "mysql.h"      // include the mysql libraries copied from the
        // source download
#define def_host_name NULL /*host to connecto to (default localhost) */
#define def_user_name NULL /*user name for the database (default login
name) */
#define def_password  NULL /*password for the database (default is null)
#define def_db_name   NULL /*default database (default database default
none) */
#define def_svr_port  NULL /*port to connect to (default 3306) */
MYSQL  *conn;              /*pointer to the connection handle */
int main ()
 cout << "Enter the host name (default localhost): ";
 cin >> def_host_name;
 cout << "Enter the user name (default root): ";
 cin >> def_user_name;
 cout << "Enter the password (default blank): ";
 cin >> def_password;
 cout << "Enter the database name (default none): ";
 cin >> def_db_name;
 cout << "Enter the port (default 3306): ";
 cin >> def_db_name;
 // the real work starts here
 conn = mysql_init (NULL);
 mysql_real_connect (
      conn,                  // pointer to connection handle
      def_host_name,         // host to connect to
      def_user_name,         // user name to connect as
      def_password,          // password to use
      def_db_name,           // database to use
      def_svr_port,          // port to connect through
      NULL,                  // socket
      0);                    // flags
 mysql_close (conn);
 return 0;
Thanks lots

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