Nils Meyer wrote:

SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS doesn't make much sense without a where clause by
the way.
LIMIT, not where.

Thanks for the reply... That seems to make sense. I'm talking about the part of one record being returned containing a field with the number of records.

About the LIMIT part, it escaped from the code... I was using it but because the code "wasn't" working I started changing it and the LIMIT got lost...

I've just tried to retrieve the value of the .Fields(0) and yes... It contains the number of records of the table... I hadn't figured this out because using the debug features of VB6 it only show Fields 1 to 38 with the values of my first record (I was using LIMIT 1).

Jess Balint wrote:

Since you are asking for the row count from the database
and not the driver, you have to treat it like a normal result.
So rs.Fields(1) should contain the row count.

Hi Jess...

You say that rs.Fields(1) should contain the row count but I have the row count in rs.Fields(0) and the fields of the row in rs.Fields(1) to rs.Fields(38). Is that normal?

Thanks both of you!! :)

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