I need to create an inline view that will give me all dates between two
specified. Here is the question posed to me that I need to answer:
This basic query gets me the last 6 hours of history table entries for
an item, grouped into minutes (if an item has a delay of 5 seconds, it
takes the max out of each 11 entries per minutes).


set @iid=231;

set @hid=1;


select from_unixtime(t.clock), DATE_FORMAT(from_unixtime(t.clock),'%j
%h:%i %p') as mins, MAX(t.value) as value_max from history t where
t.itemid = (select itemid from items where itemid = @iid and hostid =
from_unixtime(t.clock) group by mins order by t.clock;



It'll fetch 360 entries (360 minutes in 6 hours) that looks like this:


from_unixtime(t.clock) mins                 value_max

2/24/2007 05:56:12        055 05:56 AM    0.29

2/24/2007 05:57:02        055 05:57 AM    0.2

2/24/2007 05:58:02        055 05:58 AM    0.23

2/24/2007 06:01:03        055 06:01 AM    0.02

2/24/2007 06:02:02        055 06:02 AM    0.08



The format you see for mins is DAY_OF_YEAR HOUR:MIN AM/PM.   DAY_OF_YEAR
is unique, as in 55th day of this year.


Okay, so if I can JOIN this table with another table/view/sub query
that has EVERY MINUTE of the last 6 hours in a similarly formatted
column like 'mins', we should be able to spot the  missing 2 minutes.


from_unixtime(t.clock)    mins                 value_max

2/24/2007 05:56:12        055 05:56 AM    0.29

2/24/2007 05:57:02        055 05:57 AM    0.2

2/24/2007 05:58:02        055 05:58 AM    0.23

2/24/2007 05:59:02        055 05:59 AM    NULL  <<-- from the join

2/24/2007 06:00:02        055 06:00 AM    NULL  <<- from the join

2/24/2007 06:01:03        055 06:01 AM    0.02

2/24/2007 06:02:02        055 06:02 AM    0.08

Bryan Cantwell
Director, Development
(M) 469.361.1272

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