-----Original Message-----
To: mysql@lists.mysql.com
Sent: Tue, 27 Feb 2007 7:34 PM
Subject: Re: Installation Gone Haywire

>have you run mysql_install_db on your production server?

Let me add more to my response. After running your command, I have these three 
problems (from the error log):

1) MySQL still complains about the 0 size of the ibdata1 file I added to 
satisfy its complaint for the same;

2) MySQL complains and shuts down because it demands a pid file, but when I 
added one it just deleted it and still shut down;

3) MySQL now is asking for a general_log.frm file.

Here is my question/problem:

Why is MySQL asking for all these files?? It didn't build them out when I built 
the FreeBSD port. It didn't ask for them when I built a running copy on this 
server before I accidentally deleted (and then rebuilt from a backup) the 
/usr/local/include dir. It didn't ask for them when I built a running copy on 
another identical server. Nor did I run your command on any of those other 
installations, and everything worked fine. So, why does it ask for them now? 
This seems like a fundamental problem.

Awaiting Help,


# Starting mysqld daemon with databases from /var/db/mysql

STOPPING server from pid file /var/db/mysql/example.com.pid

070228 02:07:27  mysqld ended

[1]    Done                          /usr/local/bin/mysqld_safe
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