> Inserts are of the form (updates are analogous):
> insert into dns_records (zone, host, data, ... )
>       values ('domain.com', 'www', '', ... );
> Queries are of the form:
> select ttl, type, mx_priority, case
>       when lower(type)='txt' then
>               concat('\"', data, '\"')
>       when lower(type) = 'soa' then
>               concat_ws(' ', data, resp_person, serial, refresh,
> expire, minimum)
>         else data end from dns_records where
>       zone = 'domain.com' and host = 'www';
> We've fixed a few data formatting issues that made the select queries
> slow under certain circumstances, but we're still running into
> occasional performance problems running the inserts/updates.
> There are no joins, subqueries, transactions, or any of the usual muck
> that complicates a performance issue.


Anyway, did you enable the slow query logging?  That still might give
you an idea if something is running slow.  But I also forgot to ask
earlier, what is running slow, the inserts or the selects during the

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