
I am running a mysql database server and we experienced a power failure.
The mysql server does not want to restart because innodb is corrupted.

Version info:

Mysql version 4.1.11-Debian_4sarge7-log
Debian sarge
Reiserfs filesystem

What I have tried:

- Ran reiserfsck to fix corrupted file system. It fixed some problems,
now says no corruption. 
- Restarted mysql with no success
- Restarted mysql with innodb_force_recovery = 4 option, with no success
- Restarted mysql with innodb_force_recovery = 6 option, mysql starts,
but cannot access any data in my different schemas/tables

See below for mysql startup log

What should I do next ? 

Please let me know if you need any additionnal information, such as log
files etc... 


Jean-Sebastien Pilon

*************** LOG ***************

Mar 10 17:57:21 db01-mtl mysqld_safe[3579]: started
Mar 10 17:57:21 db01-mtl mysqld[3582]: 070310 17:57:21  InnoDB: Database
was not shut down normally!
Mar 10 17:57:21 db01-mtl mysqld[3582]: InnoDB: Starting crash recovery.
Mar 10 17:57:21 db01-mtl mysqld[3582]: InnoDB: Reading tablespace
information from the .ibd files...
Mar 10 17:57:21 db01-mtl mysqld[3582]: InnoDB: Restoring possible
half-written data pages from the doublewrite
Mar 10 17:57:21 db01-mtl mysqld[3582]: InnoDB: buffer...
Mar 10 17:57:21 db01-mtl mysqld[3582]: 070310 17:57:21  InnoDB: Starting
log scan based on checkpoint at
Mar 10 17:57:21 db01-mtl mysqld[3582]: InnoDB: log sequence number 9
Mar 10 17:57:21 db01-mtl mysqld[3582]: InnoDB: Doing recovery: scanned
up to log sequence number 9 4253910595
Mar 10 17:57:21 db01-mtl mysqld[3582]: InnoDB: Probable data corruption
on page 4
Mar 10 17:57:21 db01-mtl mysqld[3582]: InnoDB: Original record PHYSICAL
RECORD: n_fields 7; 1-byte offs TRUE; info bits 0
Mar 10 17:57:21 db01-mtl mysqld[3582]:  0: len 4; hex 00000000; asc
;; 1: len 1; hex 00; asc  ;; 2: len 4; hex 000953be; asc   S ;; 3: len
18; hex 860b00030000860300040000860300040000; asc                   ;;
4: len 3; hex 8164b7; asc  d ;; 5: len 4; hex 80000000; asc     ;; 6:
len 4; hex 00d7306e; asc   0n;;
Mar 10 17:57:21 db01-mtl mysqld[3582]:
Mar 10 17:57:21 db01-mtl mysqld[3582]: InnoDB: on that page. Steps 255.
Mar 10 17:57:21 db01-mtl mysqld[3582]: InnoDB: Cannot find the dir slot
for record PHYSICAL RECORD: n_fields 7; 1-byte offs TRUE; info bits 0
Mar 10 17:57:21 db01-mtl mysqld[3582]:  0: len 4; hex 00000000; asc
;; 1: len 1; hex 00; asc  ;; 2: len 4; hex 0009fbbe; asc     ;; 3: len
18; hex 860b00030000860300040000860300040000; asc                   ;;
4: len 3; hex 81624d; asc  bM;; 5: len 4; hex 80000000; asc     ;; 6:
len 4; hex 00d7166f; asc    o;;
Mar 10 17:57:21 db01-mtl mysqld[3582]:
Mar 10 17:57:21 db01-mtl mysqld[3582]: InnoDB: on that page!
Mar 10 17:57:21 db01-mtl mysqld[3582]: 070310 17:57:21  InnoDB: Page
dump in ascii and hex (16384 bytes):
Mar 10 17:57:21 db01-mtl mysqld[3582]:  

< removed dump >

Mar 10 17:57:22 db01-mtl mysqld[3582]:  t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t
t t t t t t t t t t t t t t e        ;InnoDB: End of page dump
Mar 10 17:57:22 db01-mtl mysqld[3582]: 070310 17:57:22  InnoDB: Page
checksum 3805026483, prior-to-4.0.14-form checksum 706858147
Mar 10 17:57:22 db01-mtl mysqld[3582]: InnoDB: stored checksum
3606072843, prior-to-4.0.14-form stored checksum 9
Mar 10 17:57:22 db01-mtl mysqld[3582]: InnoDB: Page lsn 9 4253873884,
low 4 bytes of lsn at page end 4253873884
Mar 10 17:57:22 db01-mtl mysqld[3582]: InnoDB: Page number (if stored to
page already) 4,
Mar 10 17:57:22 db01-mtl mysqld[3582]: InnoDB: space id (if created with
>= MySQL-4.1.1 and stored already) 0
Mar 10 17:57:22 db01-mtl mysqld[3582]: InnoDB: Page may be an update
undo log page
Mar 10 17:57:22 db01-mtl mysqld[3582]: InnoDB: Page may be an index page
where index id is 4294967295 0
Mar 10 17:57:22 db01-mtl mysqld[3582]: 070310 17:57:22InnoDB: Assertion
failure in thread 3083643104 in file page0page.c line 112
Mar 10 17:57:22 db01-mtl mysqld[3582]: InnoDB: We intentionally generate
a memory trap.
Mar 10 17:57:22 db01-mtl mysqld[3582]: InnoDB: Submit a detailed bug
report to http://bugs.mysql.com.
Mar 10 17:57:22 db01-mtl mysqld[3582]: InnoDB: If you get repeated
assertion failures or crashes, even
Mar 10 17:57:22 db01-mtl mysqld[3582]: InnoDB: immediately after the
mysqld startup, there may be
Mar 10 17:57:22 db01-mtl mysqld[3582]: InnoDB: corruption in the InnoDB
tablespace. Please refer to
Mar 10 17:57:22 db01-mtl mysqld[3582]: InnoDB:
Mar 10 17:57:22 db01-mtl mysqld[3582]: InnoDB: about forcing recovery.
Mar 10 17:57:22 db01-mtl mysqld[3582]: mysqld got signal 11;
Mar 10 17:57:22 db01-mtl mysqld[3582]: This could be because you hit a
bug. It is also possible that this binary
Mar 10 17:57:22 db01-mtl mysqld[3582]: or one of the libraries it was
linked against is corrupt, improperly built,
Mar 10 17:57:22 db01-mtl mysqld[3582]: or misconfigured. This error can
also be caused by malfunctioning hardware.
Mar 10 17:57:22 db01-mtl mysqld[3582]: We will try our best to scrape up
some info that will hopefully help diagnose
Mar 10 17:57:22 db01-mtl mysqld[3582]: the problem, but since we have
already crashed, something is definitely wrong
Mar 10 17:57:22 db01-mtl mysqld[3582]: and this may fail.
Mar 10 17:57:22 db01-mtl mysqld[3582]:
Mar 10 17:57:22 db01-mtl mysqld[3582]: key_buffer_size=0
Mar 10 17:57:22 db01-mtl mysqld[3582]: read_buffer_size=2093056
Mar 10 17:57:22 db01-mtl mysqld[3582]: max_used_connections=0
Mar 10 17:57:22 db01-mtl mysqld[3582]: max_connections=100
Mar 10 17:57:22 db01-mtl mysqld[3582]: threads_connected=0
Mar 10 17:57:22 db01-mtl mysqld[3582]: It is possible that mysqld could
use up to
Mar 10 17:57:22 db01-mtl mysqld[3582]: key_buffer_size +
(read_buffer_size + sort_buffer_size)*max_connections = 409199 K
Mar 10 17:57:22 db01-mtl mysqld[3582]: bytes of memory
Mar 10 17:57:22 db01-mtl mysqld[3582]: Hope that's ok; if not, decrease
some variables in the equation.
Mar 10 17:57:22 db01-mtl mysqld[3582]:
Mar 10 17:57:22 db01-mtl mysqld[3582]: thd=(nil)
Mar 10 17:57:22 db01-mtl mysqld[3582]: Attempting backtrace. You can use
the following information to find out
Mar 10 17:57:22 db01-mtl mysqld[3582]: where mysqld died. If you see no
messages after this, something went
Mar 10 17:57:22 db01-mtl mysqld[3582]: terribly wrong...
Mar 10 17:57:22 db01-mtl mysqld[3582]: Cannot determine thread,
fp=0xbfbc4c58, backtrace may not be correct.
Mar 10 17:57:22 db01-mtl mysqld[3582]: Stack range sanity check OK,
backtrace follows:
Mar 10 17:57:22 db01-mtl mysqld[3582]: 0x818935f
Mar 10 17:57:22 db01-mtl mysqld[3582]: 0xffffe420
Mar 10 17:57:22 db01-mtl mysqld[3582]: 0xaf84c2a6
Mar 10 17:57:22 db01-mtl mysqld[3582]: 0x83f3fc7
Mar 10 17:57:22 db01-mtl mysqld[3582]: 0x83ad842
Mar 10 17:57:22 db01-mtl mysqld[3582]: 0x83a9230
Mar 10 17:57:22 db01-mtl mysqld[3582]: 0x839336a
Mar 10 17:57:22 db01-mtl mysqld[3582]: 0x83a0258
Mar 10 17:57:22 db01-mtl mysqld[3582]: 0x839fd70
Mar 10 17:57:22 db01-mtl mysqld[3582]: 0x83912ec
Mar 10 17:57:22 db01-mtl mysqld[3582]: 0x8312977
Mar 10 17:57:22 db01-mtl mysqld[3582]: 0x83c9bca
Mar 10 17:57:22 db01-mtl mysqld[3582]: 0x8315b2b
Mar 10 17:57:22 db01-mtl mysqld[3582]: 0x82f59f1
Mar 10 17:57:22 db01-mtl mysqld[3582]: 0x82f2f8f
Mar 10 17:57:22 db01-mtl mysqld[3582]: 0x821b96e
Mar 10 17:57:22 db01-mtl mysqld[3582]: 0x820cd45
Mar 10 17:57:22 db01-mtl mysqld[3582]: 0x818cbb5
Mar 10 17:57:22 db01-mtl mysqld[3582]: 0x8189a55
Mar 10 17:57:22 db01-mtl mysqld[3582]: 0xb7ce0974
Mar 10 17:57:22 db01-mtl mysqld[3582]: 0x810cef1
Mar 10 17:57:22 db01-mtl mysqld[3582]: New value of fp=(nil) failed
sanity check, terminating stack trace!
Mar 10 17:57:22 db01-mtl mysqld[3582]: Please read
http://dev.mysql.com/doc/mysql/en/Using_stack_trace.html and follow
instructions on how to resolve the stack trace. Resolved
Mar 10 17:57:22 db01-mtl mysqld[3582]: stack trace is much more helpful
in diagnosing the problem, so please do
Mar 10 17:57:22 db01-mtl mysqld[3582]: resolve it
Mar 10 17:57:22 db01-mtl mysqld[3582]: The manual page at
http://www.mysql.com/doc/en/Crashing.html contains
Mar 10 17:57:22 db01-mtl mysqld[3582]: information that should help you
find out what is causing the crash.
Mar 10 17:57:22 db01-mtl mysqld_safe[3590]: ended

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