It appears to me that the problem is not only in the TTW, since I can add a 
prod in the TTW with a cat not found in the new database, but rather found in 
the old dbase. Furthermore, both prods show up in MySQL and in the TTW 
interface. I have cleared all caches, rebooted Zope (the TTW), even waited a 
day to see if things would change. It's not in my cookies, since Zope shows a 
pull-down with cats from the old dbase.
What else could it be?
Here's one thought for your comments. A while back I executed an erroneous 
command to copy data from one hard drive to another. It corrupted the OS. So I 
built another server and ported everything over. I also had the server farm 
install the HD that I'd bought into the new machine, the one that had 
experienced the problem. They swore the checked it out thoroughly and that it 
wasn't damaged. I moved the MySQL dbase and the Zope dbase over to the HD in 
question. Then, on the new server, without warning or my doing anything, 
suddenly both dbases disappear! This is *exactly* what happened with the old 
machine. The server farm assures me everything is all right, but I don't 
believe them. Perhaps this is evidence of the MySQL s/w becoming corrupted?
-----Original Message-----
Sent: Tue, 13 Mar 2007 12:41 PM
Subject: Re: The Ghost Of Another Database...

The fact that youhavee problem when surfing, but the data looks fine 
when viewed directly through the console (or whatever), these conspire 
to suggest that your problem is not SQL-related at all but might be in 
the caching directives associated with your web app. To test this 
hypothesis, try clearing your cache, clear all your cookie, restart 
your browser and see if the effect persists. 
- michael dykman 
> Hi; 
> I mysqldump'd a dbase, created a new empty dbase by another name, then 
> injected the old dbase into the new. They both exist. I then dumped out all 
> the prods and categories from the new dbase and created new cats. However, 
> when I surf to my TTW interface to add new prods, the *old* cats show up! 
> When I enter a new prod into the dbase via MySQL with a new cat (bedding), it 
> show up in the TTW. When I enter a new prod into the new dbase with an old 
> cat (bracelets) through the TTW, it shows up in MySQL! What's going on here!! 
> mysql> select * from products; 
> +---------+------------------------+--------+-----------+---------+--------------+-----------+-------+------------+-------------+------------------+-------------+
> | sku | description | price | category | options | name | available | photo | 
> photo_type | photo_thumb | photo_thumb_type | sort_factor | 
> +---------+------------------------+--------+-----------+---------+--------------+-----------+-------+------------+-------------+------------------+-------------+
> | testSKU | This is a test product | 120.99 | bedding | | Test Product | 1 | 
> | | | | 999 | 
> | junk | this is junk desc | 10.00 | bracelets | | this is junk | 1 | | octe 
> | | octe | 0001 | 
> +---------+------------------------+--------+-----------+---------+--------------+-----------+-------+------------+-------------+------------------+-------------+
> 2 rows in set (0.00 sec) 
> mysql> select * from categories; 
> +-----+--------------------------+---------------------------------------+-----------+
> | oid | name | description | parent_id | 
> +-----+--------------------------+---------------------------------------+-----------+
> | 1 | accessories | The accessories products | 0 | 
> | 2 | appliances | The appliances products | 0 | 
> | 3 | bedding | The bedding products | 0 | 
> | 4 | bedroom | The bedroom products | 0 | 
> | 5 | carpet | The carpet products | 0 | 
> | 6 | coin-op_commercial | The coin-operated commercial products | 0 | 
> | 7 | commercial | The commercial products | 0 | 
> | 8 | dining_room | The dining room products | 0 | 
> | 9 | furniture | The furniture products | 0 | 
> | 10 | home_office | The home office products | 0 | 
> | 11 | living_room | The living room products | 0 | 
> | 12 | multi-housing_commercial | The multi-housing commercial products | 0 | 
> | 13 | on-premisis_commercial | The on-premisis commercial products | 0 | 
> | 14 | residential_appliances | The residential appliances products | 0 | 
> +-----+--------------------------+---------------------------------------+-----------+
> 14 rows in set (0.05 sec) 
> TIA, 
> Tony 
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-- - michael dykman 
- All models are wrong. Some models are useful. 
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