thanks for the suggestions.

doing the insert in the commandline gives the same error.

i deleted all the other indexes except the one in question (just to see if it changed anything)...same error.

did a check table (and a repair table and an optimize table) - no change.

is it possible there is a MySQL server setting somewhere that is causing it to truncate the index?

i was running MySQL version 5.0.27-community-nt on WindowsXP
just upgraded to 5.0.37 - but no change

i'm stumped...anyone got any ideas?


On Mar 13, 2007, at 6:24 PM, Steve Edberg wrote:

At 5:24 PM -0700 3/13/07, jerad sloan wrote:
thanks for the quick reply.

i want that to be unique so there is no way to insert the same URL more than once. there isn't a record with that URL...but it gives the error seems to be just checking a portion of the entry i'm trying to insert. i don't want uniqueness across a set of columns...just that one column.

Aah, I wasn't following the emails closely enough; sorry. Your error message does indeed look a bit puzzling, as it only shows the first 64 characters. Key length is limited to 1024 -

- and even the sum total length of all your keys is only something like 440 bytes. Two other options I can think of: there's a hidden ascii NUL character in there between the 'vid' and 'eoid...' that's terminating the string, or you might have some table corruption. A check table -

- might illuminate that.

One other thought: have you tried inserting the records by hand from the Mysql commandline prompt? Perhaps the program is truncating the field at 64 chars, so it's not a mysql problem at all. Or, if this data is coming from an HTML form, perhaps there's a maxlength parameter on the videourl form field.

what do you mean by
(3) drop index videourl; create index videourl (videourl).
drop the unique index and create a non-unique index?
that isn't what i'm trying to do...i need it to be unique.

You can disregard this; again, didn't read the original message closely enough. This would indeed create a non-unique index.



On Mar 13, 2007, at 4:55 PM, Steve Edberg wrote:

At 4:36 PM -0700 3/13/07, jerad sloan wrote:
i had an extra index setup for one of my fields...i deleted it and it started working as expected...but now the same thing is happening again.

i'm getting the error
"Duplicate entry ' fuseaction=vids.individual&vid' for key 2"

when doing the following
insert into tblvideoURL (videourl,userid,shortname,videourlcreated,videoURLcurrentstatus ,x mltitle ) values (' fuseaction=vids.individual&videoid=1951753288',3,'MySpace',{ts '2007-03-13 15:04:01'},404 ,'Sporting Riff Raff - Absolutely Wasted (director unknown - hopefully Emily?!)' )

here is the Show Create Table


  PRIMARY KEY  (`videourlID`),
  UNIQUE KEY `videourl` (`videourl`),
  KEY `videoURLcurrentstatus` (`videourlcurrentstatus`),

Key 2 is defined as unique; thus, the error message says you're inserting a record where videourl duplicates an existing record. Solutions:

(1) don't do that.
(2) drop index videourl
(3) drop index videourl; create index videourl (videourl).
(4) if you want to ensure uniqueness across a set of columns, define a unique composite key, for instance: create unique index01 (videourl,userid);

Indexes/keys do not have to be unique unless they are primary or defined as unique.


+--------------- my people are the people of the dessert, ---------------+ | Steve Edberg http:// | | UC Davis Genome Center [EMAIL PROTECTED] | | Bioinformatics programming/database/sysadmin (530) 754-9127 | +---------------- said t e lawrence, picking up his fork ----------------+

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