If you are using only fixed-length (no VARCHARs, TEXTs or BLOBs) MyISAM
tables you can calculate it by finding the storage required for each row
(http://www.mysql.com/doc/S/t/Storage_requirements.html) and multiplying it
by the number of rows. If you are using variable-length MyISAM tables, you
should be able to calculate that column's storage requirement by selecting
avg(length(column)) from the table for each variable length column.
> I need a way to determine the size of a single database on mySQL
> via an SQL
> command.
> I am running an application on a service provider that gives me a limited
> amount of database space for my application. I want to be able to
> gauge the
> percentage of that space that I am using. The only access I have
> been given
> to the mySQL database is through JDBC SQL.
> I do not have ANY access to the directories that mySQL is
> installed in. In
> fact it is on an entirely different machine than the server that runs my
> application. And my application can only connect to that server
> via the JDBC
> drivers for mySQL.
> Anyone have any ideas?
> You can email me directly about this.
> Thanks
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