----- Original Message ----- 
From: Jonathan Trahair 
To: MySQL General 
Sent: Monday, March 19, 2007 11:10 AM
Subject: Error message "Row cannot be located for updating"

Hi Everyone

I am using VB6 and MySQL, recently installed. I have a FlexGrid of items. I 
save them, and in a large order (25 or more) there will be at least one which 
causes an error "Row cannot be located for updating. Some values may have been 
changed since it was last read." The values looked up have not changed, the 
only change might be price or quantity. I tried looking the order items up on 
their unique record number (primary key), then I tried on their order number, 
item name and colour (a unique set of values). It's always the same item(s) in 
a given order, but for different orders it will not be the same item, colour or 
row number as other orders.

I've been onto Google and found some stuff about Option=2 but that didn't make 
any difference.

Can anyone shed light on this dark area?

Thanks in advance.

Jonathan Trahair

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