Richard Cooper a écrit :
> Hi,
> I have a MySql database running on version  5.0.27 which every few days
> for no reason I can fathom stops letting me log in.
>     mysql -u username dbname -p
>     Enter password:
>     ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user 'username'@'localhost'
> (using password: YES)
> When I log in as root and run 'FLUSH PRIVILEGES' everything starts
> working again. I've looked at the doc for 'FLUSH PRIVILEGES' but I still
> can't work out what's going. Does anyone have any idea what would make a
> previously working username stop working until FLUSH PRIVILEGES is
> called? I'm not doing any direct manipulation of the user table.
> Everything goes through 'create user', 'grant', 'set password', etc so
> it seems that 'flush privileges' should be redundant.
> Thanks,
> - Richard
> > 
I have experienced similar issue. Looks like something is "corrupting"
the in-memory privileges table. Thus forcing the run of the flush
privileges command to rebuild it. I never came around to submit a bug or
 investigate a reproducable case however.

But now that i'm thinking about it, I think it's when I use the revoke
command. Maybe other people had a similar experience ?

As a workaround, I always play it safe and use the flush privileges
after changing privileges !

Mathieu Bruneau
aka ROunofF

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