i'm using the following query:

REPLACE INTO vviews_total(
SELECT uuser_id, sum( vviews.views ) AS views, sum( vviews.embeds ) AS
embeds, sum( vviews.plinks ) AS plinks, sum( vviews.`30d` ) AS 30d, sum(
vviews.`7d` ) AS 7d, sum( vviews.`24h` ) AS 24h, sum( vviews.site30d ) AS
site30d, sum( site7d ) AS site7d, sum( vviews.site24h ) AS site24h, sum(
vviews.click ) AS click, now( ) AS last_dt
FROM vviews
JOIN video ON ( video.id = vviews.video_id )
WHERE video.nsfw =0
GROUP BY vviews.uuser_id )

the query works fine. it grabs the SUM for each of the fields and sums them
to insert into the other table, but when i try to run the above query.. .i
get an errors

FUNCTION db.sum does not exist.

any ideas?

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