On Tuesday 15 May 2007 02:56, Dan Buettner wrote:
> Hi JM -
> Can you send us a few things?
> 1 - the exact error message you get

the error code it produced is (110) which according to perror is connection 
time out..

> 2 - the output of "SHOW VARIABLES;" from a mysql session
| Variable_name                   | Value                                       
| auto_increment_increment        | 1                                           
| auto_increment_offset           | 1                                           
| automatic_sp_privileges         | ON                                          
| back_log                        | 50                                          
| basedir                         | /                                           
| bdb_cache_size                  | 8388600                                     
| bdb_home                        | /var/lib/mysql/                             
| bdb_log_buffer_size             | 614400                                      
| bdb_logdir                      |                                             
| bdb_max_lock                    | 10000                                       
| bdb_shared_data                 | OFF                                         
| bdb_tmpdir                      | /tmp/                                       
| binlog_cache_size               | 32768                                       
| bulk_insert_buffer_size         | 8388608                                     
| character_set_client            | latin1                                      
| character_set_connection        | latin1                                      
| character_set_database          | latin1                                      
| character_set_filesystem        | binary                                      
| character_set_results           | latin1                                      
| character_set_server            | latin1                                      
| character_set_system            | utf8                                        
| character_sets_dir              | /usr/share/mysql/charsets/                  
| collation_connection            | latin1_swedish_ci                           
| collation_database              | latin1_swedish_ci                           
| collation_server                | latin1_swedish_ci                           
| completion_type                 | 0                                           
| concurrent_insert               | 1                                           
| connect_timeout                 | 10                                          
| datadir                         | /var/lib/mysql/                             
| date_format                     | %Y-%m-%d                                    
| datetime_format                 | %Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%s                           
| default_week_format             | 0                                           
| delay_key_write                 | ON                                          
| delayed_insert_limit            | 100                                         
| delayed_insert_timeout          | 300                                         
| delayed_queue_size              | 1000                                        
| div_precision_increment         | 4                                           
| engine_condition_pushdown       | OFF                                         
| expire_logs_days                | 0                                           
| flush                           | OFF                                         
| flush_time                      | 0                                           
| ft_boolean_syntax               | + -><()~*:""&|                              
| ft_max_word_len                 | 84                                          
| ft_min_word_len                 | 4                                           
| ft_query_expansion_limit        | 20                                          
| ft_stopword_file                | (built-in)                                  
| group_concat_max_len            | 1024                                        
| have_archive                    | YES                                         
| have_bdb                        | YES                                         
| have_blackhole_engine           | YES                                         
| have_compress                   | YES                                         
| have_crypt                      | YES                                         
| have_csv                        | YES                                         
| have_dynamic_loading            | YES                                         
| have_example_engine             | YES                                         
| have_federated_engine           | YES                                         
| have_geometry                   | YES                                         
| have_innodb                     | DISABLED                                    
| have_isam                       | NO                                          
| have_merge_engine               | YES                                         
| have_ndbcluster                 | DISABLED                                    
| have_openssl                    | NO                                          
| have_query_cache                | YES                                         
| have_raid                       | NO                                          
| have_rtree_keys                 | YES                                         
| have_symlink                    | YES                                         
| init_connect                    |                                             
| init_file                       |                                             
| init_slave                      |                                             
| innodb_additional_mem_pool_size | 20971520                                    
| innodb_autoextend_increment     | 8                                           
| innodb_buffer_pool_awe_mem_mb   | 0                                           
| innodb_buffer_pool_size         | 524288000                                   
| innodb_checksums                | ON                                          
| innodb_commit_concurrency       | 0                                           
| innodb_concurrency_tickets      | 500                                         
| innodb_data_file_path           | ibdata1:2000M;ibdata2:10M:autoextend        
| innodb_data_home_dir            | /var/lib/mysql/                             
| innodb_doublewrite              | ON                                          
| innodb_fast_shutdown            | 1                                           
| innodb_file_io_threads          | 4                                           
| innodb_file_per_table           | OFF                                         
| innodb_flush_log_at_trx_commit  | 1                                           
| innodb_flush_method             |                                             
| innodb_force_recovery           | 0                                           
| innodb_lock_wait_timeout        | 50                                          
| innodb_locks_unsafe_for_binlog  | OFF                                         
| innodb_log_arch_dir             | /var/lib/mysql/                             
| innodb_log_archive              | OFF                                         
| innodb_log_buffer_size          | 8388608                                     
| innodb_log_file_size            | 104857600                                   
| innodb_log_files_in_group       | 2                                           
| innodb_log_group_home_dir       | /var/lib/mysql/                             
| innodb_max_dirty_pages_pct      | 90                                          
| innodb_max_purge_lag            | 0                                           
| innodb_mirrored_log_groups      | 1                                           
| innodb_open_files               | 300                                         
| innodb_support_xa               | ON                                          
| innodb_sync_spin_loops          | 20                                          
| innodb_table_locks              | ON                                          
| innodb_thread_concurrency       | 8                                           
| innodb_thread_sleep_delay       | 10000                                       
| interactive_timeout             | 28800                                       
| join_buffer_size                | 131072                                      
| key_buffer_size                 | 402653184                                   
| key_cache_age_threshold         | 300                                         
| key_cache_block_size            | 1024                                        
| key_cache_division_limit        | 100                                         
| language                        | /usr/share/mysql/english/                   
| large_files_support             | ON                                          
| large_page_size                 | 0                                           
| large_pages                     | OFF                                         
| lc_time_names                   | en_US                                       
| license                         | GPL                                         
| local_infile                    | ON                                          
| locked_in_memory                | OFF                                         
| log                             | OFF                                         
| log_bin                         | OFF                                         
| log_bin_trust_function_creators | OFF                                         
| log_error                       |                                             
| log_queries_not_using_indexes   | OFF                                         
| log_slave_updates               | OFF                                         
| log_slow_queries                | OFF                                         
| log_warnings                    | 1                                           
| long_query_time                 | 10                                          
| low_priority_updates            | OFF                                         
| lower_case_file_system          | OFF                                         
| lower_case_table_names          | 0                                           
| max_allowed_packet              | 1047552                                     
| max_binlog_cache_size           | 4294967295                                  
| max_binlog_size                 | 1073741824                                  
| max_connect_errors              | 10                                          
| max_connections                 | 500                                         
| max_delayed_threads             | 20                                          
| max_error_count                 | 64                                          
| max_heap_table_size             | 16777216                                    
| max_insert_delayed_threads      | 20                                          
| max_join_size                   | 18446744073709551615                        
| max_length_for_sort_data        | 1024                                        
| max_prepared_stmt_count         | 16382                                       
| max_relay_log_size              | 0                                           
| max_seeks_for_key               | 4294967295                                  
| max_sort_length                 | 1024                                        
| max_sp_recursion_depth          | 0                                           
| max_tmp_tables                  | 32                                          
| max_user_connections            | 0                                           
| max_write_lock_count            | 4294967295                                  
| multi_range_count               | 256                                         
| myisam_data_pointer_size        | 6                                           
| myisam_max_sort_file_size       | 2147483647                                  
| myisam_recover_options          | OFF                                         
| myisam_repair_threads           | 1                                           
| myisam_sort_buffer_size         | 67108864                                    
| myisam_stats_method             | nulls_unequal                               
| ndb_autoincrement_prefetch_sz   | 32                                          
| ndb_force_send                  | ON                                          
| ndb_use_exact_count             | ON                                          
| ndb_use_transactions            | ON                                          
| ndb_cache_check_time            | 0                                           
| net_buffer_length               | 16384                                       
| net_read_timeout                | 30                                          
| net_retry_count                 | 10                                          
| net_write_timeout               | 60                                          
| new                             | OFF                                         
| old_passwords                   | OFF                                         
| open_files_limit                | 2910                                        
| optimizer_prune_level           | 1                                           
| optimizer_search_depth          | 62                                          
| pid_file                        
| /var/lib/mysql/12973-29869.your-domain-here.com.pid        |
| port                            | 3306                                        
| preload_buffer_size             | 32768                                       
| prepared_stmt_count             | 0                                           
| protocol_version                | 10                                          
| query_alloc_block_size          | 8192                                        
| query_cache_limit               | 1048576                                     
| query_cache_min_res_unit        | 4096                                        
| query_cache_size                | 50331648                                    
| query_cache_type                | ON                                          
| query_cache_wlock_invalidate    | OFF                                         
| query_prealloc_size             | 8192                                        
| range_alloc_block_size          | 2048                                        
| read_buffer_size                | 2093056                                     
| read_only                       | OFF                                         
| read_rnd_buffer_size            | 8384512                                     
| relay_log_purge                 | ON                                          
| relay_log_space_limit           | 0                                           
| rpl_recovery_rank               | 0                                           
| secure_auth                     | OFF                                         
| server_id                       | 1                                           
| skip_external_locking           | ON                                          
| skip_networking                 | OFF                                         
| skip_show_database              | OFF                                         
| slave_compressed_protocol       | OFF                                         
| slave_load_tmpdir               | /tmp/                                       
| slave_net_timeout               | 3600                                        
| slave_skip_errors               | OFF                                         
| slave_transaction_retries       | 10                                          
| slow_launch_time                | 2                                           
| socket                          | /var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock                   
| sort_buffer_size                | 2097144                                     
| sql_big_selects                 | ON                                          
| sql_mode                        |                                             
| sql_notes                       | ON                                          
| sql_warnings                    | OFF                                         
| ssl_ca                          |                                             
| ssl_capath                      |                                             
| ssl_cert                        |                                             
| ssl_cipher                      |                                             
| ssl_key                         |                                             
| storage_engine                  | MyISAM                                      
| sync_binlog                     | 0                                           
| sync_frm                        | ON                                          
| system_time_zone                | PHT                                         
| table_cache                     | 1200                                        
| table_lock_wait_timeout         | 50                                          
| table_type                      | MyISAM                                      
| thread_cache_size               | 8                                           
| thread_stack                    | 196608                                      
| time_format                     | %H:%i:%s                                    
| time_zone                       | SYSTEM                                      
| timed_mutexes                   | OFF                                         
| tmp_table_size                  | 33554432                                    
| tmpdir                          | /tmp/                                       
| transaction_alloc_block_size    | 8192                                        
| transaction_prealloc_size       | 4096                                        
| tx_isolation                    | REPEATABLE-READ                             
| updatable_views_with_limit      | YES                                         
| version                         | 5.0.27-max                                  
| version_bdb                     | Sleepycat Software: Berkeley DB 4.1.24: 
(October 21, 2006) |
| version_comment                 | MySQL Community Edition - Experimental 
(GPL)               |
| version_compile_machine         | i686                                        
| version_compile_os              | pc-linux-gnu                                
| wait_timeout                    | 28800                                       

> 3 - the output of "SHOW STATUS;" from a  mysql session

| Variable_name                     | Value     |
| Aborted_clients                   | 10216     |
| Aborted_connects                  | 42        |
| Binlog_cache_disk_use             | 0         |
| Binlog_cache_use                  | 0         |
| Bytes_received                    | 138       |
| Bytes_sent                        | 66676     |
| Com_admin_commands                | 0         |
| Com_alter_db                      | 0         |
| Com_alter_table                   | 0         |
| Com_analyze                       | 0         |
| Com_backup_table                  | 0         |
| Com_begin                         | 0         |
| Com_change_db                     | 0         |
| Com_change_master                 | 0         |
| Com_check                         | 0         |
| Com_checksum                      | 0         |
| Com_commit                        | 0         |
| Com_create_db                     | 0         |
| Com_create_function               | 0         |
| Com_create_index                  | 0         |
| Com_create_table                  | 0         |
| Com_dealloc_sql                   | 0         |
| Com_delete                        | 0         |
| Com_delete_multi                  | 0         |
| Com_do                            | 0         |
| Com_drop_db                       | 0         |
| Com_drop_function                 | 0         |
| Com_drop_index                    | 0         |
| Com_drop_table                    | 0         |
| Com_drop_user                     | 0         |
| Com_execute_sql                   | 0         |
| Com_flush                         | 0         |
| Com_grant                         | 0         |
| Com_ha_close                      | 0         |
| Com_ha_open                       | 0         |
| Com_ha_read                       | 0         |
| Com_help                          | 0         |
| Com_insert                        | 0         |
| Com_insert_select                 | 0         |
| Com_kill                          | 0         |
| Com_load                          | 0         |
| Com_load_master_data              | 0         |
| Com_load_master_table             | 0         |
| Com_lock_tables                   | 0         |
| Com_optimize                      | 0         |
| Com_preload_keys                  | 0         |
| Com_prepare_sql                   | 0         |
| Com_purge                         | 0         |
| Com_purge_before_date             | 0         |
| Com_rename_table                  | 0         |
| Com_repair                        | 0         |
| Com_replace                       | 0         |
| Com_replace_select                | 0         |
| Com_reset                         | 0         |
| Com_restore_table                 | 0         |
| Com_revoke                        | 0         |
| Com_revoke_all                    | 0         |
| Com_rollback                      | 0         |
| Com_savepoint                     | 0         |
| Com_select                        | 0         |
| Com_set_option                    | 0         |
| Com_show_binlog_events            | 0         |
| Com_show_binlogs                  | 0         |
| Com_show_charsets                 | 0         |
| Com_show_collations               | 0         |
| Com_show_column_types             | 0         |
| Com_show_create_db                | 0         |
| Com_show_create_table             | 0         |
| Com_show_databases                | 0         |
| Com_show_errors                   | 0         |
| Com_show_fields                   | 0         |
| Com_show_grants                   | 0         |
| Com_show_innodb_status            | 0         |
| Com_show_keys                     | 0         |
| Com_show_logs                     | 0         |
| Com_show_master_status            | 0         |
| Com_show_ndb_status               | 0         |
| Com_show_new_master               | 0         |
| Com_show_open_tables              | 0         |
| Com_show_privileges               | 0         |
| Com_show_processlist              | 1         |
| Com_show_slave_hosts              | 0         |
| Com_show_slave_status             | 0         |
| Com_show_status                   | 1         |
| Com_show_storage_engines          | 0         |
| Com_show_tables                   | 0         |
| Com_show_triggers                 | 0         |
| Com_show_variables                | 1         |
| Com_show_warnings                 | 0         |
| Com_slave_start                   | 0         |
| Com_slave_stop                    | 0         |
| Com_stmt_close                    | 0         |
| Com_stmt_execute                  | 0         |
| Com_stmt_fetch                    | 0         |
| Com_stmt_prepare                  | 0         |
| Com_stmt_reset                    | 0         |
| Com_stmt_send_long_data           | 0         |
| Com_truncate                      | 0         |
| Com_unlock_tables                 | 0         |
| Com_update                        | 0         |
| Com_update_multi                  | 0         |
| Com_xa_commit                     | 0         |
| Com_xa_end                        | 0         |
| Com_xa_prepare                    | 0         |
| Com_xa_recover                    | 0         |
| Com_xa_rollback                   | 0         |
| Com_xa_start                      | 0         |
| Compression                       | OFF       |
| Connections                       | 5584      |
| Created_tmp_disk_tables           | 0         |
| Created_tmp_files                 | 8         |
| Created_tmp_tables                | 2         |
| Delayed_errors                    | 0         |
| Delayed_insert_threads            | 0         |
| Delayed_writes                    | 0         |
| Flush_commands                    | 1         |
| Handler_commit                    | 0         |
| Handler_delete                    | 0         |
| Handler_discover                  | 0         |
| Handler_prepare                   | 0         |
| Handler_read_first                | 0         |
| Handler_read_key                  | 0         |
| Handler_read_next                 | 0         |
| Handler_read_prev                 | 0         |
| Handler_read_rnd                  | 0         |
| Handler_read_rnd_next             | 234       |
| Handler_rollback                  | 0         |
| Handler_savepoint                 | 0         |
| Handler_savepoint_rollback        | 0         |
| Handler_update                    | 0         |
| Handler_write                     | 363       |
| Innodb_buffer_pool_pages_data     | 0         |
| Innodb_buffer_pool_pages_dirty    | 0         |
| Innodb_buffer_pool_pages_flushed  | 0         |
| Innodb_buffer_pool_pages_free     | 32000     |
| Innodb_buffer_pool_pages_latched  | 0         |
| Innodb_buffer_pool_pages_misc     | 0         |
| Innodb_buffer_pool_pages_total    | 32000     |
| Innodb_buffer_pool_read_ahead_rnd | 0         |
| Innodb_buffer_pool_read_ahead_seq | 0         |
| Innodb_buffer_pool_read_requests  | 0         |
| Innodb_buffer_pool_reads          | 0         |
| Innodb_buffer_pool_wait_free      | 0         |
| Innodb_buffer_pool_write_requests | 0         |
| Innodb_data_fsyncs                | 0         |
| Innodb_data_pending_fsyncs        | 0         |
| Innodb_data_pending_reads         | 0         |
| Innodb_data_pending_writes        | 0         |
| Innodb_data_read                  | 0         |
| Innodb_data_reads                 | 0         |
| Innodb_data_writes                | 0         |
| Innodb_data_written               | 0         |
| Innodb_dblwr_pages_written        | 0         |
| Innodb_dblwr_writes               | 0         |
| Innodb_log_waits                  | 0         |
| Innodb_log_write_requests         | 0         |
| Innodb_log_writes                 | 0         |
| Innodb_os_log_fsyncs              | 0         |
| Innodb_os_log_pending_fsyncs      | 0         |
| Innodb_os_log_pending_writes      | 0         |
| Innodb_os_log_written             | 0         |
| Innodb_page_size                  | 16384     |
| Innodb_pages_created              | 0         |
| Innodb_pages_read                 | 0         |
| Innodb_pages_written              | 0         |
| Innodb_row_lock_current_waits     | 0         |
| Innodb_row_lock_time              | 0         |
| Innodb_row_lock_time_avg          | 0         |
| Innodb_row_lock_time_max          | 0         |
| Innodb_row_lock_waits             | 0         |
| Innodb_rows_deleted               | 0         |
| Innodb_rows_inserted              | 0         |
| Innodb_rows_read                  | 0         |
| Innodb_rows_updated               | 0         |
| Key_blocks_not_flushed            | 3         |
| Key_blocks_unused                 | 345628    |
| Key_blocks_used                   | 3273      |
| Key_read_requests                 | 5602799   |
| Key_reads                         | 3705      |
| Key_write_requests                | 17585     |
| Key_writes                        | 2846      |
| Last_query_cost                   | 10.499000 |
| Max_used_connections              | 401       |
| Ndb_cluster_node_id               | 0         |
| Ndb_config_from_host              |           |
| Ndb_config_from_port              | 0         |
| Ndb_number_of_storage_nodes       | 0         |
| Not_flushed_delayed_rows          | 0         |
| Open_files                        | 853       |
| Open_streams                      | 0         |
| Open_tables                       | 741       |
| Opened_tables                     | 0         |
| Qcache_free_blocks                | 861       |
| Qcache_free_memory                | 45241032  |
| Qcache_hits                       | 89735     |
| Qcache_inserts                    | 14588     |
| Qcache_lowmem_prunes              | 0         |
| Qcache_not_cached                 | 2410      |
| Qcache_queries_in_cache           | 3311      |
| Qcache_total_blocks               | 7548      |
| Questions                         | 115135    |
| Rpl_status                        | NULL      |
| Select_full_join                  | 0         |
| Select_full_range_join            | 0         |
| Select_range                      | 0         |
| Select_range_check                | 0         |
| Select_scan                       | 2         |
| Slave_open_temp_tables            | 0         |
| Slave_retried_transactions        | 0         |
| Slave_running                     | OFF       |
| Slow_launch_threads               | 0         |
| Slow_queries                      | 0         |
| Sort_merge_passes                 | 0         |
| Sort_range                        | 0         |
| Sort_rows                         | 0         |
| Sort_scan                         | 0         |
| Table_locks_immediate             | 24987     |
| Table_locks_waited                | 1008      |
| Tc_log_max_pages_used             | 0         |
| Tc_log_page_size                  | 0         |
| Tc_log_page_waits                 | 0         |
| Threads_cached                    | 6         |
| Threads_connected                 | 271       |
| Threads_created                   | 2539      |
| Threads_running                   | 231       |
| Uptime                            | 605       |

> What have you tried so far in terms of troubleshooting that has been
> unsuccessful?

restart the mysql server.. restart the server itself..

i checked the logs and found nothing unusual

> Any recent changes on the machine(s) in question?

none.. except for the recent spike in traffic on the web access.. 
> Also, not to belabor the point, but how do you know there are no network or
> firewall issues?

i did some test using ping (no packet loss), netperf etc.. and found no 

since the traffic runs through the private production network.. no firewall is 
present in that segment.. 

> Dan
> On 5/14/07, JM < [EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > after trying it again ang again.. maybe for the 5th time.. PHP will now
> > be
> >
> > able to connect..
> >
> > On Monday 14 May 2007 22:34, JM wrote:
> > > Hi,
> > >
> > >       Im using MySQL-5.0.19-0 and for some reason when ever PHP
> > > connects
> >
> > to the
> >
> > > DB the server won't respond immediately causing the conenct to
> >
> > time-out..
> >
> > > No firewall issues and no network related issues.  The only thing that
> > > I noticed is that the server's average load is 60%.
> > >
> > > Thanks,
> >
> > --
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