Hi Sebastian,

I did read somewhere that sockets was not valid for windows, and '/tmp/mysql.sock' doesn't resolve to anything on my machine. But I have tried the following commands:

$mysqli = new mysqli(".", $username,$password, $database);
$mysqli = new mysqli(".", $username,$password, $database,null);

and I get the following error:

Can't open named pipe to host: . pipe: MySQL (2)

but when I include the "/tmp/mysql.sock" parameter it works fine. I was thinking that maybe I have things configured in such a way that MySQL is using "/tmp/mysql.sock" as the pipe name. I am going to do some testing this evening to see if my suspicion is correct.

Thanks again,

Sebastian Mendel wrote:
John Comerford schrieb:
Thanks Sebastian, that did the trick.
The full command I use is:
 $mysqli = new mysqli(".", $username,$password,

there is no need for the socket, their are no sockets on windows

$mysqli = new mysqli('.', $username, $password, $database);

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