This should do it. Save it in a file then run it like "perl". Save the output into a text file, then run it against your database.

$records = 100;
for ($i=1;$i<=$records;$i++) {
print "INSERT INTO MyTable (forumid, styleid, title, title_clean, " .
"description, description_clean, options) VALUES\n";
print "($i, 888, 'title $i', 'clean title $i', 'description $i', " .
"'clean description $i', 999);\n"

perl > test_records.sql
mysql -p mydatabase < test_records.sql


SRM SRM wrote:


I'm an oracle dba and new to mysql. I've just recieved responsiblity to work on a mysql project. Basically I have 1 table:

forumid smallint(5) unsigned NO (null) 0 (null)
styleid smallint(5) unsigned NO (null) 0 (null)
title varchar(100) NO (null) (null) (null)
title_clean varchar(100) NO (null) (null) (null)
description text YES (null) (null)
description_clean text YES (null) (null)
options int(10) unsigned NO (null) 0 (null)

I need a script that will insert, say 10000, records into this table. Note, I dont really care about the content of the data (ie, the title could be TITLE1, TITLE2, TITLE3...TITLE10000, whatever). Im just interested in populating the table with X amount of rows and being able to perform some stress tests.


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