So I use mysql as the DB for a large site (up to 10000 concurrent users at
I have a front server as a reverse proxy and multiple (7) backend machines
serving the site.
Each machine has data strictly similar in nature and quantity.

On 6 of these machines, I have 1 single mysqld process (process in linux
# ps -ef | grep mysqld | wc -l

There are generally 5-8 threads (processes as mysql means it) running when i
do a show processlist;

Now, on one of those machines there are huge number of processes for mysql.
# ps -ef | grep mysqld | wc -l
Running just ps shows for each of these processes:
mysql    25952 10073  0 16:25 ?        00:00:02 /usr/sbin/mysqld
--defaults-file=/etc/mysql/my.cnf --basedir=/usr --datadir=/var/lib/mysql
--pid-file=/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.pid --socket=/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock

This machine has no particular data, is doing nothing different than the
The show processlist command also returns 5-8 processes.

So where are these myqsld processes from ? There's like 20 at startup
(instantly after launching mysql), but it keeps increasing, until i restart
mysql or the server runs out of memory. I have compared the mysql
configuration of this machine and the 6 other, variable by variable, and
they are strictly identical.
How come this server behaves differently ? What can I do to have the
single-process behaviour on that machine too ?


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