

I have a problem with a very slow query that should be VERY fast.


There are two tables:

CREATE TABLE  `tfbs_mm`.`tfbs_ecr` (

  `tfbs_id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL,

  `ecr_id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL,

  KEY `tfbs_id` (`tfbs_id`),

  KEY `ecr_id` (`ecr_id`)


Has ~101 Mio entries



CREATE TABLE  `tfbs_mm`.`ecr_neighbor_knowngene` (

  `ecr_id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL,

  `distance_5` int(10) unsigned default NULL,

  `gene_5_id` int(10) unsigned default NULL,

  `distance_3` int(10) unsigned default NULL,

  `gene_3_id` int(10) unsigned default NULL,

  `identity` int(10) unsigned default NULL,

  PRIMARY KEY  (`ecr_id`),

  KEY `5_3_ident` (`gene_5_id`,`gene_3_id`,`identity`),

  KEY `5_dist` (`gene_5_id`,`distance_5`),

  KEY `3_dist` (`gene_3_id`,`distance_3`),

  KEY `5_ident` (`gene_5_id`,`identity`),

  KEY `3_ident` (`gene_3_id`,`identity`)


Has ~1.2 Mio entries


SELECT ecr_id FROM ecr_neighbor_knowngene e

where gene_5_id = 3 or gene_3_id = 3;

returns 25 entries within a few milliseconds


explain select * from tfbs_ecr t

where ecr_id in

*      uses key ecr_id


select * from tfbs_ecr t

where ecr_id in

=> returns 1167 rows within a few milli seconds.


When I combine them both I get an extremely slow query:


explain select * from tfbs_ecr t

where ecr_id in (SELECT ecr_id FROM ecr_neighbor_knowngene e

where gene_5_id = 3 or gene_3_id = 3);


1, 'PRIMARY', 't', 'ALL', '', '', '', '', 101129498, 'Using where'

2, 'DEPENDENT SUBQUERY', 'e', 'unique_subquery',
'PRIMARY,5_3_ident,5_dist,3_dist,5_ident,3_ident', 'PRIMARY', '4', 'func',
1, 'Using where'


Can somebody please explain to me why this happens and how I can avoid this?


Thanks a lot,



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