Hi all,

I have recently upgraded my MySQL server to the latest version, 3.23.38 and,
whether this is related or just a coincidence, a lot of heavily-used tables
(mainly INSERT queries and a few SELECT queries via a containing MERGE
table) in one of my databases have had their indexes corrupted.

>From what I can figure out, according to the indexes, MySQL is thinking the
tables all have less rows than they actually contain, so the auto-increment
values aren't working properly and I get error messages telling me records
can't be inserted because of duplicate keys!

When I do a CHECK TABLE on a table suffering from errors, I get results like
the following (edited for brevity):

> <X> clients is using or hasn't closed the table properly
> Size of datafile is: 33197896       Should be: 33197612
> Found 116894 keys of 116893
> Corrupt

where '<X>' is generally a number between 0 and 3. And when I do REPAIR
TABLE, I get the following (again, edited) output:

> Number of rows changed from 116893 to 116894
> OK

Can anyone offer any possible explanations for what has caused this

I dearly hope it is not because of the upgrade to 3.23.38, as I need to use
this version to correct a bug with MERGE tables! I attach the output from a
CHECK TABLE command I ran on all the tables in this database that might be
affected. I've also repaired all the tables I've spotted are corrupt so far,
but I fear this may be a recurring problem.

Any help or explanations are very gratefully accepted.


Basil Hussain ([EMAIL PROTECTED])


| Table                | Op    | Msg_type | Msg_text                                   
|             |
| banners.eventlog_11  | check | status   | OK                                         
|             |
| banners.eventlog_13  | check | status   | OK                                         
|             |
| banners.eventlog_14  | check | warning  | 1 clients is using or hasn't closed the 
|table properly  |
| banners.eventlog_14  | check | status   | OK                                         
|             |
| banners.eventlog_15  | check | status   | OK                                         
|             |
| banners.eventlog_16  | check | status   | OK                                         
|             |
| banners.eventlog_17  | check | status   | OK                                         
|             |
| banners.eventlog_18  | check | status   | OK                                         
|             |
| banners.eventlog_19  | check | status   | OK                                         
|             |
| banners.eventlog_20  | check | status   | OK                                         
|             |
| banners.eventlog_21  | check | warning  | 2 clients is using or hasn't closed the 
|table properly  |
| banners.eventlog_21  | check | status   | OK                                         
|             |
| banners.eventlog_22  | check | status   | OK                                         
|             |
| banners.eventlog_23  | check | status   | OK                                         
|             |
| banners.eventlog_24  | check | status   | OK                                         
|             |
| banners.eventlog_25  | check | status   | OK                                         
|             |
| banners.eventlog_26  | check | status   | OK                                         
|             |
| banners.eventlog_27  | check | warning  | 1 clients is using or hasn't closed the 
|table properly  |
| banners.eventlog_27  | check | status   | OK                                         
|             |
| banners.eventlog_28  | check | status   | OK                                         
|             |
| banners.eventlog_29  | check | status   | OK                                         
|             |
| banners.eventlog_30  | check | status   | OK                                         
|             |
| banners.eventlog_31  | check | status   | OK                                         
|             |
| banners.eventlog_32  | check | status   | OK                                         
|             |
| banners.eventlog_33  | check | status   | OK                                         
|             |
| banners.eventlog_34  | check | status   | OK                                         
|             |
| banners.eventlog_35  | check | status   | OK                                         
|             |
| banners.eventlog_36  | check | warning  | 2 clients is using or hasn't closed the 
|table properly  |
| banners.eventlog_36  | check | status   | OK                                         
|             |
| banners.eventlog_37  | check | warning  | 2 clients is using or hasn't closed the 
|table properly  |
| banners.eventlog_37  | check | status   | OK                                         
|             |
| banners.eventlog_38  | check | status   | OK                                         
|             |
| banners.eventlog_39  | check | status   | OK                                         
|             |
| banners.eventlog_40  | check | warning  | 1 clients is using or hasn't closed the 
|table properly  |
| banners.eventlog_40  | check | error    | Record-count is not ok; is 111753   Should 
|be: 111754   |
| banners.eventlog_40  | check | warning  | Found 1 deleted blocks       Should be: 0  
|             |
| banners.eventlog_40  | check | error    | Corrupt                                    
|             |
| banners.eventlog_41  | check | status   | OK                                         
|             |
| banners.eventlog_43  | check | status   | OK                                         
|             |
| banners.eventlog_44  | check | warning  | 1 clients is using or hasn't closed the 
|table properly  |
| banners.eventlog_44  | check | status   | OK                                         
|             |
| banners.eventlog_45  | check | status   | OK                                         
|             |
| banners.eventlog_46  | check | warning  | 2 clients is using or hasn't closed the 
|table properly  |
| banners.eventlog_46  | check | status   | OK                                         
|             |
| banners.eventlog_47  | check | warning  | 2 clients is using or hasn't closed the 
|table properly  |
| banners.eventlog_47  | check | status   | OK                                         
|             |
| banners.eventlog_48  | check | status   | OK                                         
|             |
| banners.eventlog_49  | check | warning  | 1 clients is using or hasn't closed the 
|table properly  |
| banners.eventlog_49  | check | status   | OK                                         
|             |
| banners.eventlog_50  | check | warning  | 1 clients is using or hasn't closed the 
|table properly  |
| banners.eventlog_50  | check | status   | OK                                         
|             |
| banners.eventlog_51  | check | status   | OK                                         
|             |
| banners.eventlog_52  | check | warning  | 2 clients is using or hasn't closed the 
|table properly  |
| banners.eventlog_52  | check | status   | OK                                         
|             |
| banners.eventlog_53  | check | status   | OK                                         
|             |
| banners.eventlog_54  | check | status   | OK                                         
|             |
| banners.eventlog_55  | check | warning  | 0 clients is using or hasn't closed the 
|table properly  |
| banners.eventlog_55  | check | status   | OK                                         
|             |
| banners.eventlog_56  | check | status   | OK                                         
|             |
| banners.eventlog_57  | check | warning  | 2 clients is using or hasn't closed the 
|table properly  |
| banners.eventlog_57  | check | status   | OK                                         
|             |
| banners.eventlog_58  | check | warning  | 3 clients is using or hasn't closed the 
|table properly  |
| banners.eventlog_58  | check | warning  | Size of datafile is: 32580764       Should 
|be: 32580196 |
| banners.eventlog_58  | check | error    | Found 114721 keys of 114719                
|             |
| banners.eventlog_58  | check | error    | Corrupt                                    
|             |
| banners.eventlog_59  | check | warning  | 3 clients is using or hasn't closed the 
|table properly  |
| banners.eventlog_59  | check | warning  | Size of datafile is: 31348772       Should 
|be: 31348204 |
| banners.eventlog_59  | check | error    | Found 110383 keys of 110381                
|             |
| banners.eventlog_59  | check | error    | Corrupt                                    
|             |
| banners.eventlog_60  | check | warning  | 1 clients is using or hasn't closed the 
|table properly  |
| banners.eventlog_60  | check | status   | OK                                         
|             |
| banners.eventlog_61  | check | status   | OK                                         
|             |
| banners.eventlog_62  | check | status   | OK                                         
|             |
| banners.eventlog_63  | check | warning  | 2 clients is using or hasn't closed the 
|table properly  |
| banners.eventlog_63  | check | status   | OK                                         
|             |
| banners.eventlog_64  | check | warning  | 2 clients is using or hasn't closed the 
|table properly  |
| banners.eventlog_64  | check | status   | OK                                         
|             |
| banners.eventlog_65  | check | warning  | 1 clients is using or hasn't closed the 
|table properly  |
| banners.eventlog_65  | check | status   | OK                                         
|             |
| banners.eventlog_66  | check | status   | OK                                         
|             |
| banners.eventlog_67  | check | warning  | 1 clients is using or hasn't closed the 
|table properly  |
| banners.eventlog_67  | check | status   | OK                                         
|             |
| banners.eventlog_68  | check | status   | OK                                         
|             |
| banners.eventlog_69  | check | status   | OK                                         
|             |
| banners.eventlog_70  | check | warning  | 2 clients is using or hasn't closed the 
|table properly  |
| banners.eventlog_70  | check | error    | Record-count is not ok; is 91668   Should 
|be: 91669     |
| banners.eventlog_70  | check | warning  | Found 1 deleted blocks       Should be: 0  
|             |
| banners.eventlog_70  | check | error    | Corrupt                                    
|             |
| banners.eventlog_71  | check | warning  | 2 clients is using or hasn't closed the 
|table properly  |
| banners.eventlog_71  | check | status   | OK                                         
|             |
| banners.eventlog_72  | check | warning  | 1 clients is using or hasn't closed the 
|table properly  |
| banners.eventlog_72  | check | status   | OK                                         
|             |
| banners.eventlog_73  | check | warning  | 2 clients is using or hasn't closed the 
|table properly  |
| banners.eventlog_73  | check | error    | Record-count is not ok; is 88983   Should 
|be: 88984     |
| banners.eventlog_73  | check | warning  | Found 1 deleted blocks       Should be: 0  
|             |
| banners.eventlog_73  | check | error    | Corrupt                                    
|             |
| banners.eventlog_74  | check | warning  | 2 clients is using or hasn't closed the 
|table properly  |
| banners.eventlog_74  | check | error    | Record-count is not ok; is 82526   Should 
|be: 82527     |
| banners.eventlog_74  | check | warning  | Found 1 deleted blocks       Should be: 0  
|             |
| banners.eventlog_74  | check | error    | Corrupt                                    
|             |
| banners.eventlog_75  | check | warning  | 2 clients is using or hasn't closed the 
|table properly  |
| banners.eventlog_75  | check | status   | OK                                         
|             |
| banners.eventlog_76  | check | status   | OK                                         
|             |
| banners.eventlog_77  | check | warning  | 1 clients is using or hasn't closed the 
|table properly  |
| banners.eventlog_77  | check | error    | Record-count is not ok; is 42051   Should 
|be: 42052     |
| banners.eventlog_77  | check | warning  | Found 1 deleted blocks       Should be: 0  
|             |
| banners.eventlog_77  | check | error    | Corrupt                                    
|             |
| banners.eventlog_78  | check | warning  | 1 clients is using or hasn't closed the 
|table properly  |
| banners.eventlog_78  | check | status   | OK                                         
|             |
| banners.eventlog_79  | check | warning  | 1 clients is using or hasn't closed the 
|table properly  |
| banners.eventlog_79  | check | status   | OK                                         
|             |
| banners.eventlog_80  | check | warning  | 2 clients is using or hasn't closed the 
|table properly  |
| banners.eventlog_80  | check | status   | OK                                         
|             |
| banners.eventlog_81  | check | warning  | 1 clients is using or hasn't closed the 
|table properly  |
| banners.eventlog_81  | check | status   | OK                                         
|             |
| banners.eventlog_82  | check | warning  | 3 clients is using or hasn't closed the 
|table properly  |
| banners.eventlog_82  | check | status   | OK                                         
|             |
| banners.eventlog_83  | check | warning  | 2 clients is using or hasn't closed the 
|table properly  |
| banners.eventlog_83  | check | status   | OK                                         
|             |
| banners.eventlog_84  | check | warning  | 0 clients is using or hasn't closed the 
|table properly  |
| banners.eventlog_84  | check | status   | OK                                         
|             |
| banners.eventlog_85  | check | warning  | 3 clients is using or hasn't closed the 
|table properly  |
| banners.eventlog_85  | check | status   | OK                                         
|             |
| banners.eventlog_86  | check | warning  | 3 clients is using or hasn't closed the 
|table properly  |
| banners.eventlog_86  | check | warning  | Size of datafile is: 16967864       Should 
|be: 16967012 |
| banners.eventlog_86  | check | error    | Found 59746 keys of 59743                  
|             |
| banners.eventlog_86  | check | error    | Corrupt                                    
|             |
| banners.eventlog_87  | check | warning  | 1 clients is using or hasn't closed the 
|table properly  |
| banners.eventlog_87  | check | status   | OK                                         
|             |
| banners.eventlog_88  | check | warning  | 1 clients is using or hasn't closed the 
|table properly  |
| banners.eventlog_88  | check | status   | OK                                         
|             |
| banners.eventlog_89  | check | warning  | 1 clients is using or hasn't closed the 
|table properly  |
| banners.eventlog_89  | check | status   | OK                                         
|             |
| banners.eventlog_90  | check | warning  | 0 clients is using or hasn't closed the 
|table properly  |
| banners.eventlog_90  | check | status   | OK                                         
|             |
| banners.eventlog_91  | check | warning  | 1 clients is using or hasn't closed the 
|table properly  |
| banners.eventlog_91  | check | status   | OK                                         
|             |
| banners.eventlog_92  | check | warning  | 1 clients is using or hasn't closed the 
|table properly  |
| banners.eventlog_92  | check | status   | OK                                         
|             |
| banners.eventlog_93  | check | status   | OK                                         
|             |
| banners.eventlog_94  | check | status   | OK                                         
|             |
| banners.eventlog_95  | check | status   | OK                                         
|             |
| banners.eventlog_96  | check | status   | OK                                         
|             |
| banners.eventlog_97  | check | status   | OK                                         
|             |
| banners.eventlog_98  | check | status   | OK                                         
|             |
| banners.eventlog_99  | check | status   | OK                                         
|             |
| banners.eventlog_100 | check | status   | OK                                         
|             |
| banners.eventlog_101 | check | status   | OK                                         
|             |
| banners.eventlog_102 | check | status   | OK                                         
|             |
| banners.eventlog_103 | check | status   | OK                                         
|             |
| banners.eventlog_104 | check | status   | OK                                         
|             |
| banners.eventlog_105 | check | status   | OK                                         
|             |
| banners.eventlog_106 | check | status   | OK                                         
|             |
| banners.eventlog_107 | check | warning  | 2 clients is using or hasn't closed the 
|table properly  |
| banners.eventlog_107 | check | status   | OK                                         
|             |
| banners.eventlog_108 | check | status   | OK                                         
|             |
| banners.eventlog_109 | check | status   | OK                                         
|             |
| banners.eventlog_110 | check | status   | OK                                         
|             |
| banners.eventlog_111 | check | status   | OK                                         
|             |
| banners.eventlog_112 | check | status   | OK                                         
|             |
| banners.eventlog_113 | check | status   | OK                                         
|             |
| banners.eventlog_114 | check | status   | OK                                         
|             |
| banners.eventlog_115 | check | status   | OK                                         
|             |
| banners.eventlog_116 | check | warning  | 2 clients is using or hasn't closed the 
|table properly  |
| banners.eventlog_116 | check | warning  | Size of datafile is: 664844       Should 
|be: 663708     |
| banners.eventlog_116 | check | error    | Found 2341 keys of 2337                    
|             |
| banners.eventlog_116 | check | error    | Corrupt                                    
|             |
| banners.eventlog_117 | check | status   | OK                                         
|             |
| banners.eventlog_118 | check | status   | OK                                         
|             |
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