It's not an "error". MySQL Cast will do the 'rounding' for you. 
The acutal case is that the 64-bit integer floating value is not affected by 
the CAST.

See the manual page for CAST:

If you would prefer to do the rounding in ASP, push the result into a temporary 
variable, then do a CDbl on the variable. Yes, it's a slightly extra step, but 
it will ensure that your data stays in the correct format.



                                From: Critters <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, June 19, 2007 8:37 AM
Subject: Re: Type Mismatch 

Thanks for responding.
If I just response.write score I get 6.5714
I got it working by doing this: cast(sum_score/sum_votes as signed) AS 
Which returns 7. So it is a MySQL error? I would prefer to do the 
rounding in ASP and not have to update other scripts giving the same 

J.R. Bullington wrote:
> This is an ASP error, not a MySQL error.
> However, try doing a 
> response.write rs("Score")
> response.flush
> Then you will see why you are getting the mismatch error. It is probably the 
> fact that rs("Score") is not returning an integer or number of any kind (i.e. 
> if rs("score") is null).
> HTH!
> ----------------------------------------
> From: Critters 
> Sent: Tuesday, June 19, 2007 7:44 AM
> To: MySQL General 
> Subject: Type Mismatch 
> Hi,
> I hope someone can help me with my problem, something that has come up 
> when moving code and DB to a new server:
> Connection:
> driver={MySQL ODBC 3.51 
> DRIVER};server=localhost;uid=xxxxxxxxxx;pwd=xxxxxxxxxx;database=xxxxxxxxxx;option=16387
> SQL:
> SELECT (sum_score/sum_votes) AS 'score' FROM xxxxxxxxxx WHERE id = 
> xxxxxxxxxx
> Value of "score":
> 6.2153
> ASP:
> <%=int(RS("score")*25)-20%>
> Error:
> Microsoft VBScript runtime (0x800A000D)
> Type mismatch
> Any help appreciated, I did not have this problem when I had the same 
> set-up but on a server running an earlier version of MySQL and the ODBC 
> driver.
> --
> David Scott

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