(Sorry for such a long post... I thought others may benefit as well as


Here is an example using a CURSOR and a TEMPORARY TABLE to do something
similar to what you want (I think!):

========== CREATE TABLES ==========

mysql> show create table mydatabases;
CREATE TABLE `mydatabases` (
  `database_id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
  `database_name` varchar(50) NOT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY  (`database_id`)

mysql> show create table mytables;
CREATE TABLE `mytables` (
  `table_id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
  `database_id` int(11) NOT NULL,
  `table_name` varchar(50) NOT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY  (`table_id`),
  KEY `FK_mytables_mydatabases` (`database_id`),
  CONSTRAINT `FK_mytables_mydatabases` FOREIGN KEY (`database_id`)
REFERENCES `mydatabases` (`database_id`)

mysql> show create table myrecords;
CREATE TABLE `myrecords` (
  `record_id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
  `table_id` int(11) NOT NULL,
  `record_id_in_table` int(11) NOT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY  (`record_id`)

========== TEST DATA ==========

mysql> select * from mydatabases;
| database_id | database_name |
|           1 | test          |
|           2 | test2         |
|           3 | test3         |
3 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> select * from mytables;
| table_id | database_id | table_name |
|        1 |           1 | Books      |
|        2 |           1 | CDs        |
|        3 |           1 | DVDs       |
|        4 |           1 | Records    |
4 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> select * from myrecords;
| record_id | table_id | record_id_in_table |
|         1 |        1 |                  1 |
|         2 |        1 |                  2 |
|         3 |        1 |                  3 |
|         4 |        1 |                  4 |
|         5 |        1 |                  5 |
|         6 |        2 |                  1 |
|         7 |        2 |                  2 |
|         8 |        2 |                  3 |
|         9 |        2 |                  4 |
|        10 |        3 |                  1 |
|        11 |        3 |                  2 |
|        12 |        3 |                  3 |
|        13 |        3 |                  4 |
|        14 |        3 |                  5 |
|        15 |        3 |                  6 |
15 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> select * from myinventory;
| inventory_id | user_id | database_id | table_id | record_id |
|            1 |       1 |           1 |        1 |         1 |
|            2 |       1 |           1 |        1 |         2 |
|            3 |       1 |           1 |        2 |         1 |
|            4 |       1 |           1 |        3 |         2 |
|            5 |       2 |           1 |        1 |         3 |
|            6 |       2 |           1 |        1 |         4 |
|            7 |       2 |           1 |        2 |         4 |
|            8 |       2 |           1 |        3 |         3 |
8 rows in set (0.02 sec)

mysql> select * from books;
| book_id | book_name                     |
|       1 | MySQL Tutorial                |
|       2 | Learning XML                  |
|       3 | XML IE5                       |
|       4 | Programming Visual Basis 2005 |
|       5 | Learning C#                   |
5 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> select * from cds;
| cd_id | cd_name                         |
|     1 | Pink Floyd Meddle               |
|     2 | Rush Chronicles                 |
|     3 | Led Zepplin IV                  |
|     4 | Frank Marino & Mahogany Rush IV |
4 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> select * from dvds;
| dvd_id | dvd_name                  |
|      1 | Dances With Wolves        |
|      2 | Pink Floyd Live at Pompei |
|      3 | Braveheart                |
|      4 | Saving Private Ryan       |
|      5 | Ice Age                   |
|      6 | Cars                      |
6 rows in set (0.00 sec)

========== STORED PROCEDURE ==========


DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS `test`.`test_looping`$$

CREATE PROCEDURE `test_looping`(IN intUserID int )
        Declare variables to use.
        DECLARE blnNoMoreRows           BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE;
        DECLARE strDatabaseName         VARCHAR(50);
        DECLARE strTableName            VARCHAR(50);
        DECLARE intRecordIdInTable      INT(11);
        DECLARE strFieldID              VARCHAR(50);
        DECLARE strFieldName            VARCHAR(50);
        DECLARE strSQL                  VARCHAR(2000);

        Declare CURSOR and HANDLER.
        DECLARE Cursor1 CURSOR FOR
                        myInventory i
                JOIN    myDatabases d ON i.database_id = d.database_id
                JOIN    myTables    t ON i.table_id    = t.table_id
                JOIN    myRecords   r ON i.record_id   = r.record_id
                        i.user_id = intUserID;


        Create a temporary table to hold the results.
        CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE TempResults (
                user_id                 INT(11)     NOT NULL,
                database_name           VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL,
                table_name                      VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL,
                record_id_in_table      INT(11)     NOT NULL,
                item_name                       VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL);

        Loop through cursor.
        OPEN Cursor1;
                FETCH Cursor1 INTO

                IF NOT blnNoMoreRows THEN

                        CASE LOWER(strTableName)
                                WHEN "books" THEN
                                        SET strFieldID   = "book_id";
                                        SET strFieldName = "book_name";
                                WHEN "cds" THEN
                                        SET strFieldID   = "cd_id";
                                        SET strFieldName = "cd_name";
                                WHEN "dvds" THEN
                                        SET strFieldID   = "dvd_id";
                                        SET strFieldName = "dvd_name";
                        END CASE;

                        -- Here is where you build the dynamic SQL
                        SET @strSQL = CONCAT(
                                "SET @strItemName = ",
                                "SELECT ",  strFieldName,
                                "  FROM `",
                                " WHERE ",  strFieldID, " = ",

                        PREPARE stmt1 FROM @strSQL;
                        EXECUTE stmt1;
                        DEALLOCATE PREPARE stmt1;

                        -- Save these results into the temporary table
                        INSERT INTO

                END IF;

        UNTIL blnNoMoreRows END REPEAT;
        CLOSE Cursor1;

        Return the results from the temporary table.
        SELECT * FROM TempResults;



========== TEST CALLS ==========

mysql> CALL test_looping(1);
| user_id | database_name | table_name | record_id_in_table | item_name
|       1 | test          | Books      |                  1 | MySQL
Tutorial            |
|       1 | test          | Books      |                  2 | Learning
XML              |
|       1 | test          | CDs        |                  1 | Pink Floyd
Meddle         |
|       1 | test          | DVDs       |                  2 | Pink Floyd
Live at Pompei |
4 rows in set (0.31 sec)

Query OK, 0 rows affected, 1 warning (0.33 sec)

mysql> CALL test_looping(2);
| user_id | database_name | table_name | record_id_in_table | item_name
|       2 | test          | Books      |                  3 | XML IE5
|       2 | test          | Books      |                  4 |
Programming Visual Basis 2005   |
|       2 | test          | CDs        |                  4 | Frank
Marino & Mahogany Rush IV |
|       2 | test          | DVDs       |                  3 | Braveheart
4 rows in set (0.27 sec)

Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.28 sec)

Hope this helps.

Randall Price

Secure Enterprise Technology Initiatives
Microsoft Implementation Group
Virginia Tech Information Technology
1700 Pratt Drive
Blacksburg, VA  24060

Phone:  (540) 231-4396

-----Original Message-----
From: Octavian Rasnita [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, June 27, 2007 2:53 PM
To: Ed Lazor; Price, Randall
Cc: mysql@lists.mysql.com
Subject: Re: select statement with variable for table_reference?

Yes it is a good idea to store in a table information about which other 
tables should be searched.

I don't know how these queries can be made using only SQL. I think that
could be made in the programming language you use.

For example, first get  the list of tables that should be searched (from

that index table), then create that SQL query that uses union using only

those tables.

It shouldn't be too hard to do.

For example, after searching the index table, it could return that you
to search in the books and CDS tables.

Then you could create that sql query like:

$sql = "";

for("books", "cds") {
$sql .= join " union ", "(select id, title, from $_)";

$sql .= " where ... order by ... limit ...";

So the sql query will search only in the needed tables.


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Ed Lazor" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "'Octavian Rasnita'" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: <mysql@lists.mysql.com>
Sent: Wednesday, June 27, 2007 8:02 PM
Subject: RE: select statement with variable for table_reference?

> Hi Octavian,
> First, thanks for helping out.  I really appreciate it.  Thanks to you

> also
> Randall.
>> I am not sure I understand what you want.
>> If you want to search for all cds, and books, and dvds based on a
>> criteria, you can use that method I've told you about.
> Randall said it best.  I have one table that has information about
> other tables to search in.
> One table serves as an index of what's in a user's inventory while the
> actual product information resides in other tables.
> The user inventory table has fields for user_id, database_id,
> and
> record_id.
> There are also two other "helper" tables.  One table
> contains a list of databases with their id and name.  Another table
> (inventory_tables) contains a list of tables with their id and name.
> of these tables help map from the user's inventory to where product
> information resides.
> An example record from the inventory table would have data like this:
> user_id         33
> database_id     1
> table_id        1
> record_id       234234
> I can look up the name of the database using database_id in the
> inventory_databases table.  I can look up the name of the table using
> table_id in the inventory_tables table.
> All of the other product tables have an id field that corresponds to
> record_id.
> Back to the example above, database_id 1 is the products1 database and
> table_id 1 is the books table.  That means user id 33 has the book id 
> 234234
> in products1.books.
> Ok, that describes what I'm working with.  As for what I'm trying to
> accomplish, I'm trying to reduce the number of queries required for 
> pulling
> together basic information about the user's inventory.  Why is that?
> Well...
> Right now I run one query the inventory table for all information
> to the user.  Next, I use this information and run additional queries
> get
> the actual product information.  If the user has 1000 items in their
> inventory, I end up having to run 1 + 1000 queries.  This can't be
> in
> situations where I refer to fields that are unique to each type of
> (aka
> table).  It seems like I should be able to avoid this though when
> with a common field like title.  I'm just not sure how to go about it.
> Using UNIONS is the only single query to work so far.  Like I
> though, this requires a UNION for every table that product information
> being stored in.  If the first table can tell us where the data
> it
> seems like we can use it to reduce the number of UNIONS required.
> Randall, your use of prepared statements and stored procedures seems
> a
> good approach.  It might provide a way to dynamically generate the
> query.  When I look at this:
>  SET @strOtherTable = (SELECT other_table_name FROM first_table WHERE 
> ...);
>  SET @strSQL = CONCAT("SELECT ... FROM ", @strOtherTable, "
> The first thing I automatically think of is that the first select will

> very
> likely have more than one record in the result set.  Is there a way to

> loop
> through the results to concatenate everything into the set of UNIONS?
> Ed
>> May you want sometimes to search only in fewer tables that you know 
>> before
>> making the query? If yes, then you can create more separate queries
>> search only in those tables.
>> If you want to search only in the tables that have data about you
want to
>> search, you can't do it, because you don't know if those tables
>> what
>> you want before searching in them.
>> But if those tables have well defined indexes on the keys you are
>> searching
>> for, that search will be very fast, especially if some of the tables 
>> don't
>> contain records that match your criteria.
>> I hope I understood correctly what you want.
>> If you just want to specify a search criteria for each table
>> you
>> can do it for each table in the (select ... where ...) and if you
want to
>> specify a search criteria for all the records of those unions, you
can do
>> it
>> in a final where ... that's outside of those params.
>> Octavian
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: "Ed Lazor" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> To: "'Octavian Rasnita'" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>;
>> Sent: Tuesday, June 26, 2007 11:37 PM
>> Subject: RE: select statement with variable for table_reference?
>> > Ok, I used your approach like this:
>> >
>> > --------------------------------------------------------------
>> > select i.scanned_barcode, v.title from inventory as i
>> > left join version as v on i.record_id = v.id
>> > where
>> > i.database_id = '1' AND i.table_id = '1' AND
>> > i.user_id = '33' and category_id = '766')
>> >
>> > UNION
>> >
>> > (select i.scanned_barcode, v.title from inventory as i
>> > left join amg.dvd as v on i.record_id = v.id
>> > where
>> > i.database_id = '2' AND i.table_id = '3' AND
>> > i.user_id = '33' and category_id = '766')
>> >
>> >
>> > order by title DESC
>> > --------------------------------------------------------------
>> >
>> > It "works" like you're suggesting.  I have to add a union for every
>> of
>> > the tables data is being stored in.  That means I end up selecting
>> > something
>> > from every product table, regardless of whether the user actually
>> > something in there or not.  Improving on this idea would be finding
>> way
>> > to
>> > just query the relevant tables... some sort of conditional union.
>> > ideas?
>> >
>> > -Ed
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >> -----Original Message-----
>> >> From: Octavian Rasnita [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> >> Sent: Tuesday, June 26, 2007 1:02 PM
>> >> To: Ed Lazor; mysql@lists.mysql.com
>> >> Subject: Re: select statement with variable for table_reference?
>> >>
>> >> I am using the following method for doing this, but I am sure it
>> >> not
>> >> the
>> >> best one:
>> >>
>> >> (select id, title, author, 'book' as type from books)
>> >> union
>> >> (select id, title, author, 'cd' as type from cds)
>> >> union
>> >> (select id, title, author, 'dvd' as type from dvds)
>> >> where ...
>> >> order by ...
>> >> limit ...;
>> >>
>> >> Octavian
>> >
>> >
>> --
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