You havent mentioned which version of mysql your are on. If on an older
version i would recommend the option --opt. Also if you are running a  dump
using single-transaction option on a loaded system with writes, things might
slow down significantly due to different versions of rows which the server
needs to maintain due to the dump.


On 7/6/07, Ananda Kumar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi All,
I am planning to take mysqldump on slave running innodb engine.

I going to use the below command

/usr/bin/mysqldump --user=root  --password=xxxx --flush-logs
--master-data=2 --single-transaction  > alldbdump.sql

Before doing the mysqldump, should i stop the slave or the above command
enough, please let know, also please let me know if any other option i can
use to speed up mysqldump.


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