At 01:38 AM 7/14/2007, Olav Mørkrid wrote:
hi, i have some questions about the command line of mysql for WIN32:

- does mysql have any macro system that lets you shorten often-used
commands, like expanding "n5 mytable" into "select * from mytable
order by id desc limit 5"

- how can tab completion be enabled (it does not work by default, even
though auto-rehash lists as "true").

- is there any way to make mysql remember command history between each
time the command line window is opened and closed?

- say you have a table with 8 columns, where one of them is a long
text, then each row runs over multiple lines making the table
unreable. to get a nice display, you have to type "select c1, c2, c3,
c4, c5, c6, c7" which is boring to write. so is there any way to say
"select [all except that wide column] from mytable"? or does mysql
possibly an intelligent "fit table to screen width" function (like
html tables)?


Try getting a GUI like SqlYog or MySQL Mgr Lite from EMS They both work on Windows are are free.

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