Ofer Inbar a écrit :
> mos <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> Why are so many small tmp tables being created on disk, not memory?
>>> How can I tell MySQL to use memory for these?
>>        I'd guess these temporary files are the result of Select statements 
>> with an Order By clause that requires a FileSort. You can do a Show 
>> ProcessList and this should tell you if the active queries are using 
>> "FileSort". As far as getting it to sort in memory? Your guess is as good 
>> as mine. Even though I have an index that matches the sort order, MySQL 
>> insists on sorting it using FileSort. I suppose you could set up a Ram disk 
>> and have that as your first MySQL temp directory.
> I thought of putting tmpdir on a tmpfs mount, worried that there might
> occasionally be a need for a very large tmp file that would exceed the
> limit (or, if I don't set a limit, use up all memory and force lots of
> swapping).  When you say "first MySQL temp directory" are you implying
> I can have more than one?  I don't see anything in the documentation
> that suggests that...
> BTW, here's another oddity I noticed - here's typical output from
> "iostat 60":
> | avg-cpu:  %user   %nice    %sys %iowait   %idle
> |            7.35    0.00    3.59    0.94   88.12
> | 
> | Device:            tps   Blk_read/s   Blk_wrtn/s   Blk_read   Blk_wrtn
> | sda              29.20         8.00       342.08        480      20528
> | sda1              0.00         0.00         0.00          0          0
> | sda2              0.00         0.00         0.00          0          0
> | sda3              0.00         0.00         0.00          0          0
> | sda4              0.00         0.00         0.00          0          0
> | sda5             43.74         8.00       342.08        480      20528
> | sdb               2.43         0.00       173.70          0      10424
> | sdb1             21.71         0.00       173.70          0      10424
> I've been running this for a few hours and it consistently shows lots
> of writes but no reads at all on sdb1, the partition where I have my
> binary logs and tmpdir.  Is MySQL writing lots of tmp files and not
> reading them?  Or, how else can I interpret this?
>   -- Cos

The binlog are creating most of your constant write most probably. If
you have no slave attached, you're not reading them at all...

Mathieu Bruneau
aka ROunofF

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